Tag Archives: Journal

Honey Expedition Distress Call

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The Journal is left on the ground, next to the road and large honeycombs, in Bloodbloom Vale area.


Everstar Grove

Everstar Grove

Honey Expedition Distress Call


[This Chua’s datachron has been set to distress mode, but the emergency transmitter switch is stuck in the off position by an unfortunately placed glob of honey. You are no doubt the first to read his final tragic message.]

Calling High Lord Mucky Muck Malvolio Portius! Hellooooooo! This Tizgo Gopp, in command of Firestorm expedition to go find you some STUPID HONEY for your STUPID TEA! Got news for Your Royal Fancypantsness –
honey in this area already spoken for by bees. BEES the size of SHUTTLES! You ever hear of buzzbings, Baron Von Stuck-Uppington? No? Me neither! Not until Tizgo and crack team of Firestorm Scouts got sent on ridiculous mission to collect tea-sweetener!

Sure, there are regular bees here. Ordinary kind, only as big as Tizgo’s thumbs. But they’re just the babies!

Anyhoo, Tizgo has been stung about seven hundred times so far.
Can’t feel pain anymore. Mouth only thing moving… and… not easy. So good job… Duke… Dumb-face. Killed us for… tea.

Hope… you choke… on… your… tea.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Type: Journal

Operation Stinger Status Report

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This Journal is on ground. There are Dazeroot Hiveguard mobs near him, one cage with lazer beam bars, crashed “capsule” …




Operation Stinger Status Report


Status Report OS32975X32
ATTN: The Zax
DRED Operative Zungo Gopp Reporting

Status report to Director Zax: Status is dire! The Zax was smart, very smart, to contact Zungo after Zungo’s brother Tizgo killed by bees in Everstar Grove. Gopp brothers know bees! But Zungo never seen bees like these buzzbings!

Knew they were huge. Planned for that. Brought lots of guards. Lots of weapons. Best science available.
And buzzbing weaponization formula worked perfectly during trials.

Who knew buzzbings mutate at such a stupidly fast rate?

Formula worked all right. Bonerazer test subjects reacted as expected, with the dying and the hurting and the sometimes exploding. Then formula started to change buzzbings. Instead of just stinging enemies, started emitting venom in gaseous form. Team wasn’t ready. No antitoxin equipment.
Formula was supposed to make buzzbings fight Exiles? Buzzbings fighting everyone and poisoning everything!

Zungo has to admit this is pretty cozmotronic. But Zungo also has to admit Zungo got stung right through the chest. Really hurts. But also kind of blissful.

Note to the Zax: Weaponizing dazeroot buzzbing might be stupid. Turn venom into low-grade narcotic instead. Market to Exiles. Win-win!

Okay, Zungo dying now. For science!

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Type: Journal

The Defile Datacubes, Journals and Tales Locations

Researcher Anton’s Field Journal

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EXILE: On a table in front of Victor Lazarin, Research Camp Echo area. This journal is obtainable after the successful completion of the quest Side Effects .

DOMINION: On a table in front of Mondo Zax, Rootwood Collective area. This journal is obtainable after the successful completion of the quest Side Effects .


Researcher Anton’s Field Journal obtainable for Dominion.


Researcher Anton’s Field Journal Dominion Map Location.




Researcher Anton’s Field Journal


Expedition Day 7
The infestation is dire. It spreads quickly and envelops all around it, twisting creatures, contorting them into ravenous monstrosities. Last week a large grazer buck was bitten by a corrupted garr. Now, green spittle flows freely from the buck’s maw and bulbous sacs of pus protrude from its body, violently popping every so often. Most animals keep a good distance from the Strain, but it has overtaken the area’s prime food and water
sources, leaving wildlife little choice but to risk contamination.

Expedition Day 8
Confound it! Last night a varmint sneaked into camp and coated all of my materials in muck before I chased it away. I cleaned up as delicately as I could, but nevertheless managed to wipe some of the filth onto my brow. Already the bio-phage is taking hold. Odd bumps dot my face and my skin seems to be hardening into some kind of shell. I also feel strong, able to lift
great weights with ease. I must work quickly to finish my latest antidote formula, though it shall likely be my last.

[The text on the next page resembles haphazard scratches, each letter varying greatly in size and shape]

Expedition Day ???
My spine has become twisted and my limbs elongated. I fight back urges to kill, but that compulsion grows stronger. I feel I am fading away. I can no longer remember the name of my wife. My children. May they
never suffer this fate.

[The rest of the journal is nothing but smudges of green and orange. Indecipherable scribbles are strewn erratically about the journal. There are no further entries.]

Quick Facts

Type: Journal



[The final dictated diary entry of an unfortunate explorer has a singular focus, and is burned onto the broken, blood-encrusted screen.]

MY LEGS! Oh gods it hurts it hurts it HUUURTS why did I ever try that jump? Why did I think it was a good idea to – oh gods is that bone poking through the skin? And is that my – sitting on top of my – oh gods, it is. GYAAARGH! The pain the pain the PAIN why the stars did I come to this gods-forsaken planet in the first place?

Okay just – just calm down. Medishot… numbing pain enough… to talk. Legs… shattered. My attempt to reach the heart of the Sanctuary… doomed to fail. If you are reading this, turn back. TURN BACK before you take one lousy STINKING MISSTEP and plummet to the floor of this hellscape of a – oh stars the pain’s coming back. Too much to concentrate. Must reach… medishots. Belt. Where’s my belt. Oh, it’s on my – with the – oh no. Hey! Get away from that!
I need it! Well… I will need it. If I can – why are you looking at me like that? Oh gods. Your eyes. Why are they like that? Please, I need help. Don’t – please, no – not my legs. Not my legs! What are you – don’t eat that! Gods – nerves must be – totally severed – or pain would be oh NO GODS NO THOSE ONES AREN’T SEVERED gyagharghGODS ALMIGHTY the chewing the chewing oh gods OH GODS HELP ME the horrible chewing and crunching and

[The remainder of the screen is filled with the autorecord AI’s valiant attempts to write out the agonized sounds.]

Quick Facts

Type: Journal

Corruption in Hive-Mind Insects: A Hypothesis



Property of Dr. Harkov Zelvic
May not be reproduced without the express consent of Dr. Harkov Zelvic
“Dr. Harkov Zelvic” is a trademark of Dr. Harkov Illic Markev Dakor Kizkov Zelvic
All Rights Reserved

The nanobiotic nature of the highly adaptable infection known colloquially as “corruption” appears to allow it to spread at an even more alarming rate in hive-mind species of insectoids.
The rapid infectiousness of this bio-phage displays similar behavior to the techno-phage which affects mechanical beings such as constructs, bots, even Mechari. And just as the techno-phage spreads incredibly quickly by hijacking communications signals between mechanicals, it appears a mild form of latent telepathy in the hive-mind insectoid species of Nexus allows the bio-phage to do the same.


Although “ordinary” Strain-corrupted creatures are generally mindless and aggressive, with little in the way of coordinated strategies, both hive-mind insectoids and mechanicals continue to display unexpected cunning and intelligence – fighting together, planning complex attacks, and even protecting their area of influence in the same way an army would protect its flanks.


At this time, there is no known or accepted treatment for the so-called “Strain” corruption on the planet Nexus, unless one considers extermination a form of treatment. The Strain, which displays clear signs of hive sentience, conclusively spreads more quickly among beings with hive-mind intelligence, be it biological or mechanical. If we can document the principles behind corruption’s heightened infection rates within such populations,
interrupting these signals could profoundly slow the rapid onslaught of the disease and might even be used to reverse the effects. Even if infected creatures cannot be saved, this resistance must be studied if the Strain is ever to be defeated once and for all.


Complete and total incineration still appears to be the best way to deal with the remains of experimental subjects or encroaching corrupted insectoid hives.

Quick Facts

Type: Journal

Darkspear Diary


The Goddess speaks through the abundant life here, as she speaks to us everywhere on this world. And here, in this sacred place, the Sanctuary itself calls to me. It is a song that carries on the warm, gentle winds of summer, a song that hums beneath the babbling of the running stream, a song I hear in the cry of every bird, every predator, every tree, every living thing I can see and many that I, Rayna Darkspear, cannot.

The Sanctuary’s song has long spoken to me, as it speaks to all of us. But of late, I hear things the others do not. I fear my sisters do not let themselves hear these notes of the song, either because they are not as attuned to its sound as I am – or perhaps because they choose not to believe these dark sounds could be part of the great web of life with which the Goddess blesses us.

I have thought long and hard about this.
I have listened to the song of the Sanctuary for days on end, sharpening my focus until the gentle, healing notes are a dim sound. Now, all I hear is a deep undercurrent of anger and despair. What is it that cries out to me so? And why can the others not hear? Or worse – why do they lie about what they DO hear?

There can be only one reason. They do hear it. They know this forest suffers, they know the Sanctuary hides its pain within gentle sounds and healing power.
But I know it is there. And I will do something about it even if they will not.

There can be no healing with suffering. I will burn away this darkness and cleanse the Sanctuary. I will restore the song of the Goddess, even though it will cause pain before all is said and done.

If my sisters will not help me, they are lost. And they will burn with the rest.

Quick Facts

Type: Journal