Tag Archives: Farside

Rare Mobs in Farside

While adventuring through Farside, players will come across 11 rare mobs. In the subzone Bio-Dome 3 you’ll find 4 rares, another four in the subzone Bio-Dome 4, and two rares on the main Farside map. The last one – Doctor Rotthrall is hidden in the subzone Derelict Silo E23. After defeating all rares, you will complete achievement “I like it rare: Farside” listed under Achievement » Kill » Farside. In the table below, you’ll find the list of all rare mobs available in Farside zone, their spawn locations, and possible loot.
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Impact Concerns

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At the top of a rather huge meteor, Fatalis Fields. You can jump on top of it from the western part of meteor.




DATACUBE ENTRY: Impact Concerns


Jariel: The Archon


As we near the first phase of the Project, this moon of Halon has served as the ideal location to perfect our large-scale terraforming technology. Unfortunately, debris from the previous catastrophe on Halon still falls to the moon’s surface, putting our scientific endeavors here at risk. I must speak to the Makers about a solution to this problem.

Quick Facts

Type: Datacube

Deadly Elegance

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On ground, bellow the side of meteor that sticks out of ground, near blue “stones”, close to Lumos Drifter creatures, Fatalis Fields.




DATACUBE ENTRY: Deadly Elegance


Ohmna: Order of the Progenitors


There is an elegant beauty to these organisms rarely seen on the harsh environs of this moon. As a result of the reduced gravity here, they have evolved a unique locomotion system not unlike those of aquatic creatures found on the planet’s surface. And I am most impressed by the females. They are larger, more aggressive, and deadlier than their male counterparts. Perhaps I shall unleash one on Progenitor Nazrek.

Quick Facts

Type: Datacube

Stunted Intelligence

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You can find this datacube near rather large NPC “bug” Hibernating Orbitog, Fatalis Fields. You can enter this part of map Southwest from the location marked at map.




DATACUBE ENTRY: Stunted Intelligence


Nazrek: Order of the Progenitors


Now here is an… interesting… beast. With no natural predators on the moon’s surface, it has developed little more than a thin, transparent membrane to protect its brain. In most cases, I would assume that this trait was to allow more room for ongoing cerebral growth, but this creature displays a stunted intelligence at best. Big brain, little intelligence. It reminds me of Progenitor Ohmna.

Quick Facts

Type: Datacube

Unacceptable Loss

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Find and climb on top of a Derelict Silo E23.


Derilect Silo

Derilect Silo

DATACUBE ENTRY: Unacceptable Loss


Ionis: Order of the Watchers


A recent large asteroid impact destroyed the silo below, rendering it completely useless for the scheduled terraforming experiments. Although this occurrence is unfortunate, the Makers assure me that their planetary defense system will soon be in place. For now, I have granted the silo to Progenitor Nazrek, who assures me that he will put it to good use…

Quick Facts

Type: Datacube

Diabolical Creation

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On ground, inside Derelict Silo E23. You can enter Derelict Silo E23 in northeastern Farside.


Derilect Silo

Derilect Silo

DATACUBE ENTRY: Diabolical Creation


Nazrek: Order of the Progenitors


I have engineered a particularly interesting organism that I am calling the squirg. Drawn to the specific frequencies of sentient brain matter, the creature attaches to the victim’s skull in order to nourish itself with cerebral energy. The result? The victim is immediately incapacitated, becoming a slave to the squirg as it slowly drains their remaining consciousness. Truly diabolical. I consider it one of my greatest works.

Quick Facts

Type: Datacube

Protective System

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Inside circular Eldan structure, Behevioral Research Facility 394.




DATACUBE ENTRY: Protective System


Zarkonis: Order of the Makers


In response the Archon’s request, I have started to design a system that will protect this moon from future asteroid collisions. Although I consider the task to be superfluous at best, given the temporary nature of the experiments we are doing here, I will comply with the Archon’s wishes. And I do have some innovative ideas on how to amplify the system’s destructive power…

Quick Facts

Type: Datacube