Tag Archives: Explorer



Search for Eldan tech before the Dominion can plunder the nursery


Looks like next time the so-called “Exploration Society” sends someone to take Eldan relics, they’re gonna have to do a better job than the Explorers Union.

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$(creature=53211) got into a shooting match with a Dominion Explorer near the Nursery, giving as good as he got. Unfortunately he can’t continue his mission, so you have to finish it for him.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Northern Grimvault

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Isigrol


  1. X: 2664 Y: -6028 Z: -965

CARTOGRAPHY: A View of Thayd


Place a monitoring beacon atop the tower in Walker’s Bluff inside Thayd

_poi_CARTOGRAPHY_A_View_of_Thayd_image_WildStar64_2014_05_12_11_15_22_627.jpg Previous action reveals jumping pad you can use to boost yourself into air.


Well done! This site should prove useful for observation and the defense of Thayd.

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The Explorers Union has been tasked with placing a monitor beacon above Thayd. The best location is reached by using the Jump Pads along the tower in Walker’s Bluff.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Thayd

Path: Explorer




SURVEILLANCE: Demonclaw Pass


Place a monitoring beacon at the far end of Demonclaw Pass

_poi_SURVEILLANCE_Demonclaw_Pass_image_WildStar64_2014_05_10_17_26_19_715.jpg Demonclaw Pass Completion Location.
_poi_SURVEILLANCE_Demonclaw_Pass_image_WildStar64_2014_05_10_17_26_49_228.jpg Great place to make some screenshots for desktop background.


Telemetry from the beacon has prevented Dominion incursions in that valley. Good work!

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There’s a gap in sensor coverage through Demonclaw Pass. It’s wide enough for a Dominion legion to march through. Set up a beacon to monitor the valley.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Algoroc

Path: Explorer

Episode: Discovering Algoroc



EXPEDITION: Northern Grimvault


Explore the uncorrupted regions of Northern Grimvault


With this complete map data, the $?f/Exploration Society/Explorers Union/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; can pinpoint exactly which Northern Grimvault locations to begin scanning, defending, and settling first.

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Preliminary surveys show Northern Grimvault is largely free of the corruption yet littered with exanite ruins. Scout the land and confirm this firsthand.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Northern Grimvault

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Isigrol

OPERATIONS: Rockridge Recovery


Discover the fate of missing Explorers in Rockridge Hollow


Burn Dead Explorers.

_poi_OPERATIONS_Rockridge_Recovery_image_WildStar64_2014_05_10_18_08_52_068.jpg Dead Explorer Two.
_poi_OPERATIONS_Rockridge_Recovery_image_WildStar64_2014_05_10_18_13_38_895.jpg Dead Explorer Three.
_poi_OPERATIONS_Rockridge_Recovery_image_WildStar64_2014_05_10_18_14_19_647.jpg Dead Explorer Four.


This incident just goes to show that not everyone is cut out to be an Explorer. Fortunately, you are.

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Explorers sent to map Rockridge Hollow haven’t checked in. They’re probably just exploring, but they’re still overdue, and the Explorers Union is concerned.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Algoroc

Path: Explorer

Episode: Discovering Algoroc


  1. X: 3536 Y: -3143 Z: -941
  2. X: 3423 Y: -3168 Z: -934
  3. X: 3344 Y: -3253 Z: -916
  4. X: 3330 Y: -3393 Z: -926



STAKING CLAIM: Northern Grimvault


Claim the expansive lands of Northern Grimvault for the Explorers Union


The deeper one goes into Northern Grimvault, the darker the mystery and the greater the rewards. Keep movin’ forward to the golden unknown!

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This part of Grimvault appears full of exanite ruins untouched by the corruption. If we move quickly, we can claim the territory for the Exiles.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Northern Grimvault

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Isigrol

SURVEILLANCE: A Tube with a View


Place a surveillance station overlooking the Exiles in Cankertube Swamp


With the surveillance station in place, we can monitor Exile activity in and out of Cankertube Swamp with impunity.

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The Exiles have an outpost in Cankertube Swamp near our people. Use the unusually high cankertube clusters to find a good location to place a surveillance station above them.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile, Dominion

Zone: Northern Grimvault

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Isigrol

