Tag Archives: Explorer

EXPLORATION: Run Aground Derelict


Get inside the derelict ship buried by the coast. See what’s inside.


Great job! How was it in there? Looks like you got some good stuff.

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Readings indicate that there’s a derelict ship still much intact under that mound of dirt and gravestones. Maybe they figured it was easier to just burry the ship than the bodies inside.

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Faction: Exile

Zone: Coralus

Path: Explorer



  1. X: -1342 Y: 2736 Z: -1107

EXPLORATION: Dreg Den Drudging Door


Chip away at the coral and get to the hidden cavern inside the Dreg den.


Good work… Sounds like it was hard work too. Your perseverance paid off. That’s quite the haul inside.

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Before the Dreg took that cave we had nearly uncovered a hidden entrence to what might be a deeper pathway through that cave. Chip away at that coral and get inside.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Coralus

Path: Explorer



  1. X: 506 Y: 3937 Z: -1163



Tropical Island, Deep Jungle, Sand and Stone Beaches, Colorful Coral. Would be a great vacation spot if not for the fact we won’t be on vacation anytime soon and too much of the island wants to kill you in your sleep.


Fantastic! We’ve received your detailed mapping of Coralus!

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Explore all of Coralus

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Faction: Exile

Zone: Coralus

Path: Explorer


SCAVENGER HUNT: Broken Eldan Datacubes


Find the dig sites of some Eldan artifacts in the Ravenous Ravine


You successfully recovered all the datacubes, and we’ve gotten word that our people have been found safe and sound!

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An Explorers Union team vanished while scouting Ravenous Ravine for broken Eldan datacubes. While a search and rescue team looks for the missing people, use their recovered notes to complete the mission to find the datacubes.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Farside

Path: Explorer

Episode: Farside – Explorer


  1. X: 4095 Y: -6413 Z: -706