Tag Archives: Explorer

CARTOGRAPHY: Above the Canopy


Place a scanner above the jungle to analyze the Focus of Life


Though not the ideal location, the position of the scanner allows the $?f/Royal Collegium/XAS/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; researchers to study the entire Focus of Life at one go. Good work!

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The $?f/Royal Collegium/XAS/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; wants to collect long-range scans of the Focus of Life. Wilderrun’s jungle canopy obscures line-of-sight, so the scanner will need to go above the trees.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Wilderrun

Path: Explorer




CARTOGRAPHY: Assessing the Corruption


Place a surveillance station to monitor the Corruption in Twilight Grove


Incoming readings from the corruption surveillance monitor show that it’s a matter of time before the corruption overruns Twilight Grove completely… unless we find a way to stop it.

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The $?f/Royal Collegium/XAS/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; is both intrigued and horrified with the spread of the corruption through this part of Wilderrun. They’ve asked the $?f/Exploration Society/Explorers Union/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; to plant a surveillance monitor in Twilight Grove to monitor its spread.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Wilderrun

Path: Explorer




OPERATIONS: Primal Stabilization


Activate dormant Primal Stabilizers in the Crystalline Waste


Your efforts will buy our scientists more time to investigate the reason for the terraformer’s malfunction. Nicely done.

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The terraformer is pouring a dangerous amount of energy into the environment. Locate dormant Primal Stabilizers in the Crystalline Waste and activate them.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Farside

Path: Explorer

Episode: Farside – Explorer


  1. X: 4316 Y: -1159 Z: -929
  2. X: 4487 Y: -1163 Z: -935


Bio-Dome 4

SCAVENGER HUNT: Primal Signatures


Combine cores from the elementals in the Adaptation Research Annex


Killing same Embodiments within the different explorer path map marked area may cause completion success. For example, killing the same Embodiment of Purity but on the second try close to the entrance of a nearby Adaptation Research lab, counted as success, unlike the first try where I killed him where he stands.

_poi_SCAVENGER_HUNT_Primal_Signatures_image_WildStar64_2014_06_09_16_31_13_727.jpg Clue 2: Kill Embodiment of Vitality. This one specifically worked for me.
_poi_SCAVENGER_HUNT_Primal_Signatures_image_WildStar64_2014_06_09_16_29_19_153.jpg Clue 1: Kill Embodiment of Strenght. This one specifically worked for me.
_poi_SCAVENGER_HUNT_Primal_Signatures_image_WildStar64_2014_06_09_16_26_47_525.jpg Primalogist Broadwell gives the clues.
_poi_SCAVENGER_HUNT_Primal_Signatures_image_WildStar64_2014_06_09_16_33_58_685.jpg Clue 3: Kill Embodiment of Purity. This one specifically worked for me.


It seems the Eldan did not set out to create these artifacts on purpose, but their manipulation of primal energy brought them into being.

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The Eldan believed that primal forces could be manipulated and combined. Examine the cores of the primal beings in the Adaptation Research Annex.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Farside

Path: Explorer

Episode: Farside – Explorer


  1. X: 1890 Y: -1205 Z: -935


Bio-Dome 3

EXPLORATION: End of the Eversale


Explore the Eversale, a crashed protostar ship in the Nitrofen, and search for possible survivors.


$?f/May their example serve a purpose to us all. Explorers in the Nitrofen, be vigilant of perilous paths./It’s a cryin’ shame to end up like that. Sorry to send you in there, but somebody had to do it. Glad you made it out safe./Good work, Explorer. It’s unfortunate work, but someone has to tend to it.;

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$?f/Initial scans of the Eversale’s exterior surface denote little possibility of crew survival. Still, the Settlement Authority is requesting you search the ship in the unlikely event of a claim./The Eversale isn’t looking so good, friend. Better get inside and suss out the likelihood of any survivors./We need you to search the wreckage of the Eversale and locate any possible survivors.;

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Apex-9

Path: Explorer

Episode: Halon Ring – Explorer Missions


  1. X: -11286 Y: -6785 Z: 103

CARTOGRAPHY: The Battlemound


Place a beacon on top of the rusted robot in the Battlemound


Data is coming in from the beacon on a secured channel. And the view from up there is spectacular!

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We don’t know why the Eldan left the destroyed construct in the Battlemound, and right now we don’t care. What matters is it’s in the perfect location to get mapping data of the Deepfall Spires.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Wilderrun

Path: Explorer




TRACKING: The Twilight Minefield


Capture the escaped Corrupted Jabbit test subject before it’s lost in the wild


Corrupted Jabbit leaves corrupted samples behind him. If you collect them you receive debuff – “Corrupted Turf”. This debuff ensnares you, lowering your movement speed. Follow Corrupted Jabbit while mounted.

_poi_TRACKING_The_Twilight_Minefield_image_WildStar64_2014_06_16_12_34_55_498.jpg Corrupted Jabbit is rather fast.
_poi_TRACKING_The_Twilight_Minefield_image_WildStar64_2014_06_16_12_35_50_234.jpg TRACKING: The Twilight Minefield Completion Point.


The jabbit got away… maybe the $?f/Exploration Society/Explorers Union/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; can buy a new one for the $?f/Royal Collegium/XAS/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; from the Protostar catalog.

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Laboratory study of the corruption has been halted ever since the test subject, a corrupted jabbit, escaped into the wild. Track it down and return it to the researchers.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Wilderrun

Path: Explorer



  1. X: 2333 Y: -4425 Z: -772

