Tag Archives: Explorer

SURVEILLANCE: Cortex Station Genesis


Climb one of the Ikthian’s incubation towers in the Cortex Station Genesis site and deploy a surveillance transmitter.


Your diligence honors the Empire. I am receiving surveillance transmissions as we speak.

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The military has a mission for you, Explorer. Intel indicates the Ikthians are a growing threat that require further monitoring. Your assignment is to plant a surveillance transmitter, undetected, in their midst.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile, Dominion

Zone: Apex-9

Path: Explorer

Episode: Halon Ring – Explorer Missions

CARTOGRAPHY: Visions of a Phosphorus Plane


Scale the tallest most Glowstalk in the Phosphorus Planes and document the view.


I gotta say, these shots are right nice. Good work, Explorer.

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The Union wants to make a geomap of the Phosphorus Planes on Skyrock Reach. We’ll need panoramic shots from the highest Glowstalk you can scale.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Apex-9

Path: Explorer

Episode: Halon Ring – Explorer Missions

CARTOGRAPHY: Phosphorus Plane


Scale the tallest most Glowstalk in the Phosphorus Planes and document the view.


Your capabilities are impressive, Explorer. I’ve made mention of your noteworthy endeavors within the Society.

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The Society aspires to develop a geomap of the Phosphorus Planes. I expect panoramic shots of the highest quality from the most towering Glowstalk you’re capable of scaling.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile, Dominion

Zone: Apex-9

Path: Explorer

Episode: Halon Ring – Explorer Missions

SURVEILLANCE: Black Jack’s Salvage


Search for and scale an overlook optimal for monitoring Black Jack’s Salvage.


$?f/Your efforts remain unsurpassed. Impressive execution, Explorer/Beautiful work, Exile. We’ll have those supplies recovered in no time./Good work, Explorer.;

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$?f/The Darkspur Cartel has heedlessly tried to muscle in on ICI back-channel dealings. Ascertain a suitable vantage point above the Salvage and deploy a transmitter beacon./Some Cartel chuckleheads crashed an FCON munitions drop and made off with the goods. Now the Commandos’ own Sarge wants a surveillance unit planted in the Salvage./We need you to scale an overlook optimal for monitoring Black Jack’s Salvage and drop a surveillance beacon.;

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Apex-9

Path: Explorer

Episode: Halon Ring – Explorer Missions

CARTOGRAPHY: Pulp-Gulp-Headquarters


The Protostar Corporation has commissioned a survey of its bottling properties regarding the land-to-efficiency-of-use ratio at Pulp-Gulp’s Headquarters. Climb as high as you can and deploy a mapping beacon!


$?f/Credible work indeed. Consider your achievements acknowledged./An honest day’s work if I ever did see one. Thanks for the hand, Explorer./Capable work, Explorer. Commissions like these help pay for the war.;

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$?f/Third-party investors request a thorough survey of Pulp-Gulp’s bottling headquarters regarding the land-to-efficiency-of-use ratio. I’ll entrust this one to you./Some Protostar guys want us to file an audit of Pulp-Gulp Headquarters. Mentioned a land-to-efficiency-of-use ratio or something another. Good news is it pays./The Protostar Corporation has commissioned an audit of Pulp-Gulp Headquarters. We’ll need you to deploy the mapping beacon;

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Apex-9

Path: Explorer

Episode: Halon Ring – Explorer Missions

SCAVENGER HUNT: Wilderock Collection


Compiler Rotor of Locus Autonomy is searching for unique specimens to add to his rock collection. Follow the clues to find rocks worthy of the Freebot’s growing collection.


Compiler Rotor was overjoyed by the rock specimens you unearthed, happily adding them to his collection.

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Compiler Rotor of the Locus Autonomy has a proud tradition (spanning the weeks since his awakening) of collecting the most rare and beautiful of rock specimens to be found within the Halon Ring.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Apex-9

Path: Explorer

Episode: Halon Ring – Explorer Missions


  1. X: -11435 Y: -8007 Z: 75

CARTOGRAPHY: Progenitor’s Hideaway


Locate a position for an observation post above Progenitor’s Hideaway


Excellent work! The science team is homing in on your beacon’s signal and should be arriving shortly.

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The science teams are chomping at the bit to study Progenitor’s Hideaway, but it will be safer for them to study it at a distance. See if you can locate a secluded location they can set up.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Farside

Path: Explorer

Episode: Farside – Explorer


Bio-Dome 3