Tag Archives: Explorer

CARTOGRAPHY: Dawngrazer Rampage


Find the cause of the rampaging dawngrazer herds stampeding through the grove


Our investigation has revealed that some ooze is seeping up through the ground and entering the local water supply. That must be what’s affecting the dawngrazers!

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We have reports of wild dawngrazer herds running amok and killing Exile survivors. See if you can discover whatever is driving the herds mad.

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Faction: Dominion

Zone: Everstar Grove

Path: Explorer

Episode: Explore Everstar Grove


Everstar Grove

CARTOGRAPHY: Natural Allies


Rile up the local buzzbing population so they’ll attack Dominion forces


The buzzbings pack quite a wallop! Some of those Dominion troops are dropping dead from insect bites. Good work!

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Our natural allies are fighting hard against the Dominion, but we need more help. Head toward the nearby honeycombs in Bloodbloom Vale. Rile up the buzzbings so they attack the Dominion.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Everstar Grove

Path: Explorer

Episode: Explore Everstar Grove


Everstar Grove

SURVEILLANCE: Barkblight Nests


Set up a surveillance station above the Blighted Glen to monitor barkblights


It looks like the next time the barkblights head this way, they’re going down in a blaze of glory.

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These barkblights are proving to be real pests. Set up a surveillance station. If they get out of hand again, we’ll call down a strike and torch their eggs.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Everstar Grove

Path: Explorer

Episode: Explore Everstar Grove


Everstar Grove

CARTOGRAPHY: Meteor Mountain


Reach the highest peak on Farside


Signals caught loud and clear. Communications with arkship engaged. Good work, Explorer!

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There is strong magnetic interference on the surface of Farside, but we need to reconnect communications with The $?f/Destiny/Gambler’s Ruin/Neither;. Reach the highest point on Farside to plant a communications beacon.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Farside

Path: Explorer

Episode: Farside – Explorer



OPERATIONS: Ikthian Starcharts


Download the stellar data stored in the Ikthian Starcharts


You can find 4-5 Ikthian Starcharts in southern path mission map marked area, while most of them are concentrated in northern path mission map marked area.


These Ikthians have traveled quite a way to get here – they mapped almost half the galaxy!

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The Ikthians have traveled throughout the galaxy in search of the greatest Eldan technologies. Their search has led them to Farside… but from where? Until we download that information from the Ikthian Starcharts we’ll be at a severe disadvantage.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Farside

Path: Explorer

Episode: Farside – Explorer


  1. X: 3044 Y: -5587 Z: -681
  2. X: 2985 Y: -6079 Z: -661
  3. X: 2988 Y: -5815 Z: -685





Claim Farside for the Exiles


One small step for $i(player.race). One giant leap for the Exiles!

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Farside is a satellite orbiting planet Nexus. Taking control of Farside would immensely help the efforts of the Explorers Union in mapping the planet. Claim Farside in the name of the Exiles!

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Farside

Path: Explorer

Episode: Farside – Explorer