Tag Archives: Ellevar

Dangerous Obsession

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At the edge of a large, green, teleportation plate, Calidor’s Excavation.

This teleportation plate leads to Bio-Mech Complex AH47 Level One.




DATACUBE ENTRY: Dangerous Obsession


Ionis: Order of the Watchers


The Watchers are extremely concerned about the so-called “recombination” experiments of Maker Zarkonis. Not only do they display a blatant disregard for scientific principle and protocol, but I personally feel as if they are motivated by a growing sense of inferiority that Zarkonis feels in relation to Maker Vorion and his recent successes. I must speak with the Archon before things progress too far.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Datacube

Traumatic Replacement

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On ground, Northern Prototype Recombination Wing.

In order to reach Prototype Recombination Wing you need to follow route from Bio-Mech Complex AH47 Level One, to Bio-Mech Complex AH47 Level Two up to the place where is this collectible. You can enter Bio-Mech Complex AH47 Level One from teleportation plate in Calidor’s Excavation.




DATACUBE ENTRY: Traumatic Replacement


Zarkonis: Order of the Makers


I am very close to perfecting my recombination technology! Instead of utilizing nanites to build biomechanical constructs, my Recombinator removes the target limbs and organs, and then directly replaces them with mechanical constructs. Granted, the process is violent, traumatic, and bloody – and at this stage the resultant creatures are physiologically unstable – but I still feel as if this is a marked improvement over Vorion’s augmentation technology.
And the accusation of Ionis that this is somehow a personal obsession driven by my sense of inadequacy? Preposterous!

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Datacube

Recombination Chamber

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Behind Calidor Antevian in Recombination Chamber.

In order to reach Recombination Chamber you need to follow route from Bio-Mech Complex AH47 Level One, to Southeastern Bio-Mech Complex AH47 Level Two. You can enter Bio-Mech Complex AH47 Level One from teleportation plate in Calidor’s Excavation.




DATACUBE ENTRY: Recombination Chamber


Zarkonis: Order of the Makers


The Archon continues to disappoint me with his shortsightedness. My Recombination Chamber is a vastly superior alternative to omni-plasmic augmentation. True, most subjects do not survive the process, and those that do are often physically and psychologically scarred. But these are mere details! I regret that I will not be able to continue this innovative research.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Datacube

Aquatic Infusion

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Aviel: Order of the Weavers


This is a perfect location for my upcoming experiment. By tapping the massive reservoir of primal water beneath this lake, I hope to weave a being of pure primal energy. If successful, this will represent a landmark in the history of my Order and a giant step towards achieving the goals of the Project itself. I suppose I must mention the technological contribution of the Makers, although I consider it trivial at best.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Datacube

Future Consequences

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On ground, behind the largest house in this area, Research Station Tideborn.




DATACUBE ENTRY: Future Consequences


Korol: Order of the Shapers


I have completed my survey of this region, and I am as impressed with its geologic diversity as I have been with the rest of this planet. It is difficult to imagine a more suitable location to embark on the Project, although I continue to harbor concerns about the consequences if indeed we are successful. Not surprisingly, my opinions have not been popular among my colleagues.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Datacube

Primal Phenomenon

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North-northwest of Grimwatch Outpost, at the base of a huge skull.




DATACUBE ENTRY: Primal Phenomenon


Elyona: Order of the Evokers


This region is truly fascinating. The intensity of its natural primal matrices is beyond anything that I’ve ever experienced, allowing me to manifest evocations of unexpected power. These intensities also have a tangible impact on the life forms that exist in this forest, often resulting in individuals with drastically different physiologies and biological traits. This particular location seems especially prone to the phenomenon.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Datacube

Uncertain Trust

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Vorion: Order of the Makers


Aviel has asked me to construct a number of power converters for what she calls her “secret little project” inside the nearby caves. I generally try to avoid the kind of trouble that comes with the Weavers, and especially Aviel, but cooperation and collaboration among the Orders will be vital if we are to achieve our great work on Nexus. I only hope she does not betray my trust.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Datacube