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Green Thumb (Exile)


Dominion attackers are burning crops in the Arkship’s Greenhouse. Queen Myala Everstar has asked you to save veggies from the spreading flames and kill the Chua invaders that are incinerating them before the Exile food sources are completely destroyed.


1. Kill Chua Incinerator and Chua Saboteur in the Greenhouse

2. Rescue veggies in the Greenhouse

Green Thumb 196 Right mouse clock on the veggies, or use keyboard button “F” (by default).

3. Lead the veggies to a safe planter in the Greenhouse

Green Thumb 197 While you have alive veggies following you, lead them to this marked part of the Greenhouse.
Green Thumb 198 Stand on it and they get saved.

4. Tracking Rescued + Following Vegies


Report to Queen Myala Everstar via your Datachron


Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Level: 2

Required Level: 1


Zone: The Gambler’s Ruin

Category: Zone – Exile Arkship – The Gambler’s Ruin