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Buried Shinies


A “stoney” Granok with a moustache told Nayita about Keyuri Catacomb, an old Lopp tomb filled with treasure. Nayita found the catacomb and needs help uncovering the buried shinies, for it appears they are guarded by dangerous obstacles.


1. Collect Lopp Shiny from Dirt Mound in Keyuri Catacomb

Buried Shinies 8434 Arrow will point you to the dirt mound containing shinies.

2. Go deeper into Keyuri Catacomb

3. Find the ultimate shiny in Dirt Mound deep inside Keyuri Catacomb



Return to Nayita inside Keyuri Catacomb


  • 14967XP
  • 362 Farside Sector Reputation Points
  • 362 MISSION: Farside Reputation Points
  • 362 Lopp Reputation Points

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile, Dominion

Level: 31

Required Level: 28


Zone: Farside

Category: Zone – Farside