TRACKING: Gravitic Anomaly


Track the Gravitic Anomaly back to its source

_poi_TRACKING_Gravitic_Anomaly_image_WildStar64_2014_05_10_17_36_17_830.jpg Track the Gravitic Anomaly back to its source.
_poi_TRACKING_Gravitic_Anomaly_image_WildStar64_2014_05_10_17_39_33_804.jpg When you collect residuals, you get Gravitational Damping buff – Gravity’s effects are temporarily muted. You can jump higher now.
_poi_TRACKING_Gravitic_Anomaly_image_WildStar64_2014_05_10_17_38_06_972.jpg This is where you need to perform the toughest jump.
__poi_TRACKING_Gravitic_Anomaly_image_WildStar64_2014_05_10_17_38_06_972.jpg Eventually you end up on top of the rock.


Interesting! The anomaly was caused by the discharge from a damaged Eldan probe bot.

Unlock Text

This gravitic anomaly is giving off readings that are unusual, yet familiar. Follow it and discover its origin!

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Algoroc

Path: Explorer

Episode: Discovering Algoroc


  1. X: 4259 Y: -3944 Z: -1046
  2. X: 4327 Y: -4101 Z: -956

