SCAVENGER HUNT: Relics of the Osun


Retrieve the Osun Relics from Kel Ugar

_poi_SCAVENGER_HUNT_Relics_of_the_Osun_image_WildStar64_2014_06_16_12_09_09_019.jpg Treasure Hunter Moka reveals the three relics location.
_poi_SCAVENGER_HUNT_Relics_of_the_Osun_image_WildStar64_2014_06_16_12_11_08_914.jpg Clue 1: Possible Dig Location.
_poi_SCAVENGER_HUNT_Relics_of_the_Osun_image_WildStar64_2014_06_16_12_12_13_107.jpg Clue 2: Ancient War Drum.
_poi_SCAVENGER_HUNT_Relics_of_the_Osun_image_WildStar64_2014_06_16_12_13_39_673.jpg Clue 3: Kill and loot relic from Forgemaster Kraagor.


The Osun are super-duper-bigfolk but they weren’t strong enough to keep a Lopp – and her $(player.race) ally – from shinies!

Unlock Text

The Osun hold many priceless relics in their fortress of Kel Ugar. Treasure Hunter Moka wants the shinies so much that she wants to hire you to find them for her!

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Wilderrun

Path: Explorer



  1. X: 2681 Y: -3884 Z: -746



3 thoughts on “SCAVENGER HUNT: Relics of the Osun

  1. twylork

    I found my clue 1 totally the opposite side of the curve in the path due west, again in lots of rubble as per the SS.

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