OPERATIONS: Mementos of a Maiden


Gather Mementos from the crew and passengers of the crashed ship

_poi_OPERATIONS_Mementos_of_a_Maiden_image_WildStar64_2014_06_16_11_15_27_336.jpg Jump over the tree airshrooms.
_poi_OPERATIONS_Mementos_of_a_Maiden_image_WildStar64_2014_06_16_11_16_02_312.jpg In order to reach the crashed space ship.
_poi_OPERATIONS_Mementos_of_a_Maiden_image_WildStar64_2014_06_16_11_16_29_700.jpg And enter its belly.
_poi_OPERATIONS_Mementos_of_a_Maiden_image_WildStar64_2014_06_16_11_16_59_847.jpg Use Door Control Panel and follow new path.


The relics you’ve uncovered prove that Tresayne Toria may have been a passenger aboard the crashed Cassian vessel. This ship may be one of the most important historical discoveries of Nexus yet.

Unlock Text

The crashed Cassian vessel may hold mementos of its passengers and crew. Gather what objects you can find for further study by the $?f/Exploration Society/Explorers Union/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.];.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Wilderrun

Path: Explorer



  1. X: 3990 Y: -3301 Z: -619

