EXPLORATION: Harehollow Cavern


Explore the Harehollow Cavern near the base of Celestial Falls

_poi_EXPLORATION_Harehollow_Cavern_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_11_30_39_171.jpg Harehollow Cavern entrance.
_poi_EXPLORATION_Harehollow_Cavern_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_11_30_52_957.jpg Eat Harehollow Shrink Shroom and enter Hrehollow cave.
_poi_EXPLORATION_Harehollow_Cavern_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_11_31_18_782.jpg Eat Harehollow Growth Shroom, jump to and investigate the Mysterious Rock .
_poi_EXPLORATION_Harehollow_Cavern_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_11_32_07_645.jpg Enter hidden part of Harehollow Cavern.
_poi_EXPLORATION_Harehollow_Cavern_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_11_32_23_881.jpg Some weird things happen here.


The life forms found in the cave are being referred to the XAS for further study. The Aurin in there is probably best left alone.

Unlock Text

An Explorers Union survey detected some curious readings from the Harehollow cavern near the base of Celestial Falls. These readings are worth sending an Explorer for a more detailed investigation of the cave.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Celestion

Path: Explorer

Episode: Celestion – Explorer Mission


  1. X: 716 Y: -2430 Z: -968

