CHEMISTRY: Lessons in Love


Scan Amorous Rowsdowers or return Lost Rowsdowers to Hijunga Village


Excellent. Using experimental scan techniques you were able to stimulate a sense of euphoria – prompting amorously inclined rowsdowers to seek mates. These results exceed our expectations.

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The Lopp of Hijunga have asked for our help. Much of their flock has been lost after Gormash destroyed the rowsdower pens. The Lopp have asked us to facilitate repopulating the herd.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Celestion

Path: Scientist

Episode: Celestion – Tract 1 – Scientist Mission


  1. X: 2176 Y: -1954 Z: -923
  2. X: 2320 Y: -1665 Z: -903
  3. X: 2252 Y: -1728 Z: -912

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