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On a table, bellow a small tent with cloth rooftop, Greyshore. You can reach Greyshore from the Elder Vault as you progress with quests.


Levian Bay

Levian Bay



Prepared for the Widow by Agent RM-86

Initial reports indicate we were beaten to the punch on this one. I accept full responsibility for this oversight and will freely accept whatever punishment you deem necessary, my lady. It is my hope that the information I was able to acquire from the Dominion’s data networks will ameliorate the situation.

ITEM 1: We have confirmed that the infamous Lady Artemis Zin, as well as her aide, the Draken man-at-arms Kevo, are at the Star-Comm
Station facility. We believe this is definitely related to her publicly stated ambitions to discover a famous Eldan artifact.

ITEM 2: We have ascertained that this artifact, the so-called “Elder Cube,” may well be contained within Star-Comm. Unfortunately, at this time we have no reliable way of accessing the facility. We are working on infiltration for more reliable information in this regard. The best bet at this time appears to be a mechanical infiltrator, but I fear that a standard spybot –
even in disguise – would stand out amid the many Eldan constructs still functioning in the area.

ITEM 3: As the name seems to imply, much of this facility appears geared toward communication. But communication with whom? I do not believe even Lady Zin has figured this out. Yet.

[This remainder of this report summarizes the specific technical details the Black Hoods’ agents used to acquire this data and could reveal some leaks in the Dominion’s secrecy apparatus.]

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Journal