Goti Tan’s Lab Notes

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On a table, close to a Mondo Zax (Dred) NPC quest giver, inside the first room of a house that stands next to a nearby taxi stand, Feralplain Collective area. Inside this house you can find ability trade kiosk.




Goti Tan’s Lab Notes


“Poke pumera with sharp stick,” Togor says.

Might as well tell Goti to put head in pumera’s mouth. Would be more efficient.

So, I find sharp stick.

Then I find pumera. Pumera growls.

I poke pumera with sharp stick. Pumera attacks.

I run and hide. Pumera follows but does not catch.

I return to Togor. I tell Togor test results. “Trail rope in front of pumera,” Togor says.

Might as well tell Goti to hang self with rope. Would be more efficient.

So, I find rope.

Then I find
different pumera. Pumera growls.

I trail rope in front of pumera. Pumera wiggles behind, jumps on rope.

I run with rope. Pumera follows, claws rope. I lose rope. Pumera gnaws on rope.

I return to Togor. I tell Togor test results. “Use brush to comb pumera,” Togor says.

Might as well tell Goti to jump in vat of acid. Would be more efficient.

So, I find brush.

Then I find different pumera. Pumera growls.

Then I realize how stupid experiment is. I leave pumera, throw brush away.

Togor can tug own tail until it bleeds. Goti go home now.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Journal