Alchemist Pontinia’s Plague Diary

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On a grey table, next to another two same looking tables, that are in a corner of Hycrest Military Headquarters, east from a nearby Taxi Station, Hycrest.




Alchemist Pontinia’s Plague Diary


[An informative document containing the alchemist’s analysis of the epidemic plaguing Hycrest in Auroria.]

Health Incident Nexus-1372

-Day 01
Three cases with similar symptoms today, all lowborn. Not surprising, seeing diseases and ailments among their kind, but three in one day raises some concerns. Recommended a series of standard-strength medishots twice per day to all three patients. Standard medishots should be more than enough to destroy any potential contagions – if this is indeed a contagiou
s disease – to near-zero. I hope this isn’t something going around. I have real science to do here. I don’t have time to play nursemaid for every lowborn sod who stubs his toe.

-Day 02
Seven more cases today with the same symptoms, all among lowborn. All were employed at the Hycrest starship facilities in some capacity – laborers or service personnel. More disturbingly, I have heard from none of the three previous patients, and they are not responding to datachron messages. I am going with a more poten
t suite of medishots for these patients, including a slow-release anti-viral and inoculation against all known space plagues. I’ve also informed these patients that they will be required to remain under observation for the next twenty-four hours or until I know what happened to the three from yesterday.

-Day 04
This is, to put it mildly, not good. Fifty-two new patients since last I had a chance to make a note in this… well, at this point I’d have to call it a plague diary. Because there’s no doubt
in my mind. That’s what this is. I just need to understand how it’s spreading if I’m going to kill it. That means I have to contemplate something I don’t really want to contemplate.
Letting this thing run its course through the lowborn for a while.
All my ethics are against it, but I have to be a realist. It would be far simpler to isolate the relatively small number of highborn Cassians in Hycrest from the infected lowborn than quarantine all the lowborn from the highborn.
I also must make sure this
journal never falls into the wrong hands. What a thing to admit: allowing the Hycrest Plague to take hold without trying hard enough to stop it!

-Day 07
More than two hundred cases, now. Twenty-three deaths, including two highborn elders who insisted on dying in their homes, infecting their servants and who knows how many relatives. We must find a cure for this before it spreads to the rest of our territory on Nexus. Or worse – to the other worlds of the Dominion.
My decision to allow the disease to
spread among the lowborn was correct. Today, a breakthrough! A patient awakened from an artificially induced coma on her own. The girl – a teenager, the noble daughter of a local lowborn merchant – said she had witnessed a vision of another girl about her age, hooded and hidden yet alight with holy fire, calling her name just before she awakened. She has requested permission to return home, but I haven’t the heart to tell her the rest of her family is already raving with the sickness.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Journal