Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 4476 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Bonetalon's Preserved Brain  Gear333
Bonetalon's Throbbing Heart  Gear333
Bounty of the Beast  Gear233
Bounty of the Beast  Gear233
Cartographer's Engraver  Gear1493
Cartographer's Globe  Gear1170
Cartographer's Topographical Map  Gear1493
Cartographer's Topographical Map  Gear1493
Cataloger's Augmentor  Gear619
Cataloger's Strengthener  Gear619
Cataloger's Supplement  Gear619
Charmed Mojo Magic GadgetGear1318
Chieftain's Magic Mojo  Gear1377
Chieftain's Magic Mojo  Gear1377
Classified Documents Transmitter AugmentGear436
Coldburrow Skeech Serum GadgetGear1318
Colonel's Dog Tags AugmentGear1168
Colonel's Dog Tags AugmentGear1168
Colonist's Augmentor  Gear619
Colonist's Strengthener  Gear619
Colonist's Supplement  Gear619
Colossus Protoshield ShieldsGear453
Colossus Protoshield ShieldsGear453
Colossus Protoshield ShieldsGear453
Colossus Protoshield ShieldsGear453
Compression Field  Gear780
Constantine Commando Shield ShieldsGear198
Core of the Ancient  Gear1219
Courage of the Giant-Slayer AugmentGear252
Death Hunter's Sights  Gear610
Defense of Herot ShieldsGear252
Defense of the Ancients ShieldsGear433
Defensive Necrocite Detachment  Gear353
Defensive Ward ShieldsGear633
Demonclaw Supertronic Protoshield ShieldsGear215
Deployable Field Generator ShieldsGear747
Devourer's Hunger  Gear633
Devourer's Hunger  Gear633
Doomthorn's Pulsing Heart  Gear433
Dragon's Greed AugmentGear252
Dreglord's Herald  Gear1377
Dreglord's Herald  Gear1377
Drugaur's Contamination  Gear233
Druseric Particle Field ShieldsGear1168
Druseric Protomesh Ward ShieldsGear1168
Druseric Prototype Shield ShieldsGear1168
Dustmaw's Fang  Gear633
Dustmaw's Fang  Gear633
Eldan Defense Grid ShieldsGear1168
Eldan Exanite Repulsor ShieldsGear1168