Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 4476 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Grimstone Oscillator8ShieldsGear141
Igneous Pebble8AugmentGear141
Maw's Defense Grid8ShieldsGear141
Metamorphic Pebble8AugmentGear141
Nucleus of the Maw8AugmentGear111
Pilot Light8AugmentGear160
Sedimentary Pebble8AugmentGear141
Sharp Oxian Horn8AugmentGear141
The Metal Maw8 Gear141
Tough Oxian Hoof8AugmentGear141
Zeven Scope8 Gear160
Probit Torrent7 Gear141
Terrorizer7 Gear141
The Brain7AugmentGear111
Great Barrier Wreath6ShieldsGear123
Adventurer's Augmentor  Gear619
Adventurer's Strengthener  Gear619
Adventurer's Supplement  Gear619
AHVUPADM's Suppressor  Gear233
Analyst's Antiparticle Aegis ShieldsGear82
Analyst's Radioactive Aegis ShieldsGear82
Analyst's Resonant Aegis ShieldsGear82
Analyst's Reverberant Aegis ShieldsGear82
Ancient Core  Gear1219
Ancient Metallic Heart  Gear1219
Anti-Magnetic Combat Shield ShieldsGear252
Antibot Central System  Gear1219
Architect's Blueprint  Gear1170
Architect's Final Design  Gear1493
Architect's Final Design  Gear1493
Architect's First Draft  Gear1493
Artisanal Probe  Gear749
Audited Sonic Locator  Gear233
Aura of Deep Darkness ShieldsGear1121
Autostabilized Heavy Barrel  Gear252
Bacchanal Probe  Gear749
Belabog Reaper's Reaper  Gear233
Bioweave Rebreather AugmentGear584
Biowebbed Target Link  Gear353
Black Hood's Camouflager AugmentGear436
Blight-breaker Shield Generator ShieldsGear1430
Blight-purger Disruptor ShieldsGear1430
Blight-purifier Repulser ShieldsGear1430
Blight-scour Defense Grid ShieldsGear1430
Blighted Sacrifice AugmentGear1168
Blighted Sacrifice AugmentGear1168
Blue Sanity Requiem AugmentGear610
Bonetalon's Old Bones  Gear333