Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 13082 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Draken Rage3 Special Meals 
Emergency Rations3 Special Meals 
Fortitude Augmentation: Mark I3 Medishots & Boosts 
Fried Scrab Claws3 General Meals 
Galeras Foraged Stew3 Medishots & Boosts 
Gallow's Special Fruit Smoothie3 Special Meals 
Gallow's Special Protein Shake3 Special Meals 
Gladedancer Brew3 Special Meals 
Grilled Venombite Spider Legs3 General Meals 
Groggo's Grog-Be-Gone Energy Drink3 Special Meals 
Gun Charge Potion3 Medishots & Boosts 
Heavy Support Gun3Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun24
Heavy Two-Handed Sword3Primary WeaponWeapon - Greatsword24
Heightened Insight: Mark I3 Medishots & Boosts 
Judge's Liquid Aim3 Special Meals 
Lightbringer's Swiftness3 Special Meals 
Magic Stimulant3 Medishots & Boosts 
Might Intensifier: Mark I3 Medishots & Boosts 
Mighty Holy Water3 Special Meals 
Mud Ale3 Special Meals 
Nectar of Refreshment3 Special Meals 
Nectar of the Godwood3 Special Meals 
Oxian Burger3 General Meals 
Poacher's Aim3 Special Meals 
Potion of Focus3 Medishots & Boosts 
Potion of Protection3 Medishots & Boosts 
Protostar Algae Chips3 Special Meals 
Radiant Holy Water3 Special Meals 
Roasted Leg of Oxian3 General Meals 
Scrab Steak3 General Meals 
Seasoned Snoglug Eggs3 Special Meals 
Shield Generator: Mark I3 Medishots & Boosts 
Slender Holdout Pistols3Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols24
Slightly Irradiated Coldwater3 Special Meals 
Small Stimpack3 Medishots & Boosts 
Spikefruit Juice3 Special Meals 
Standard Rations3 Special Meals 
Standard-Issue Resonators3Primary WeaponWeapon - Paddles24
Swiftness of the Plains3 Special Meals 
Thick-Bladed Fist Claws3Primary WeaponWeapon - Claws24
Thirst-Quenching Spring Water3 Special Meals 
Vigil's Focus3 Special Meals 
Cellular Rejuvenator: Mark I2 Medishots & Boosts 
Starter Medkit2 Bandage 
Tuft of Yeti Fur2 Junk 
1001 Simple Splorghetti Recipes1 Crafting Supplies97
A Study in Chuakind Portraiture1 Housing 
Ability Chip: Desperate Escape1 Crafting Supplies 
Ability Chip: Electrical Surge1 Reagent - Crafting 
Ability Chip: Hurdle1 Crafting Supplies