Wildstar Item Database

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Found 13082 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Photonic Rifle Scope9 Gear123
Plain Split Leather Chest Guard9ChestMedium Armor233
Plain Steel Chest Guard9ChestHeavy Armor233
Plainswalker Foot Guards9FeetHeavy Armor123
Plainswalker Footsteps9FeetHeavy Armor123
Plainswalker Hands9HandsHeavy Armor123
Polished Ironcleft Tusk9 Gear123
Polygloves of the Mordesh9HandsLight Armor123
Polymesh AEGIS Aegis9ShieldsGear123
Radiant Foot Pads9FeetMedium Armor123
Radiant Manipulators9HandsMedium Armor123
Radiant Polygloves9HandsMedium Armor123
Radiant Walkers9FeetMedium Armor123
Refractive AEGIS Assist Module9 Gear123
Sandals of the Vigilant9FeetLight Armor123
Sheriff's Advanced Shackles9HandsMedium Armor123
Sheriff's Leather Kickers9FeetMedium Armor123
Sheriff's Tailored Polyboots9FeetMedium Armor123
Sheriff's Uniform Gloves9HandsMedium Armor123
Simple Canvas Pants9LegsLight Armor233
Simple Canvas Shirt9ChestLight Armor233
Simple Split Leather Greaves9LegsMedium Armor233
Simple Steel Greaves9LegsHeavy Armor233
Standard AEGIS Projector9 Gear123
Standard Canvas Gloves9HandsLight Armor97
Standard Canvas Gloves9HandsLight Armor123
Standard Canvas Shoes9FeetLight Armor123
Standard Canvas Shoes9FeetLight Armor97
Standard Iron Greaves9LegsHeavy Armor184
Standard Split Leather Boots9FeetMedium Armor97
Standard Split Leather Boots9FeetMedium Armor123
Standard Split Leather Gauntlets9HandsMedium Armor97
Standard Split Leather Gauntlets9HandsMedium Armor123
Standard Split Leather Greaves9LegsMedium Armor184
Standard Steel Boots9FeetHeavy Armor97
Standard Steel Boots9FeetHeavy Armor123
Standard Steel Gauntlets9HandsHeavy Armor123
Standard Steel Gauntlets9HandsHeavy Armor97
Standard Wool Pants9LegsLight Armor184
Steps of the Vigilant9FeetLight Armor123
Studded Iron Knuckle Punchers9Primary WeaponWeapon - Claws123
Tablet Computer9 Housing82
Terminite Phermone Gland9AugmentGear97
Ultraweave AEGIS Sonic Locator9 Gear123
Unburnt Toast9 Housing82
VegaD Banded Polymer Suit9ChestMedium Armor233
Vind Thorn Bush (Short)9 Housing82
Wraithkin9HandsHeavy Armor141
Anomalous Crystal Essence8AugmentGear82
Autostabilized AEGIS Weapon Handle8 Gear104