Wildstar Item Database

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Found 13082 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
"AEGIS" Branded Backpack  Bag39
"Dead-Eye" Anti-Personnel Cannon Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun68
"Dead-Eye" Pistols Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols68
A Heart of Fire  Gear881
Acolyte's Flamebound Charm  Gear593
Acolyte's Flamebound Charm  Gear593
Adamantium Power Sword Primary WeaponWeapon - Greatsword68
Administrator Tyson's Tunic ChestLight Armor453
Administrator's Gauntlets HandsHeavy Armor307
Aerial Shooters Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols418
Aerial Shooters Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols418
Agent Ender's Mesh Guard ChestMedium Armor1619
Agent Killer's Jerkin ChestMedium Armor1619
Agent Tibor's Modified Flexipants LegsMedium Armor533
Aggression of the Moodie Primary WeaponWeapon - Psyblade104
Agnes Crowe's Slug Throwers Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols141
Agnes Crowe's Tommygun Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun141
Alchemist's Apron ChestLight Armor141
Alchemist's Gloves HandsMedium Armor197
Alchemist's Rusted Greaves LegsHeavy Armor344
Alpha Gloves HandsMedium Armor233
Ambusher's Pistol Grip  Gear1170
Ambusher's Pistol Grip  Gear1170
Ambusher's Shotgun Stock  Gear1170
Ambusher's Shotgun Stock  Gear1170
Ambusher's Technocoat ChestLight Armor363
AMD_D_Light_008A_Esper_010T2A_Head HeadCostume24
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_000A_Boots FeetCostume 
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_000A_Chest ChestCostume68
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_000A_Pants LegsCostume68
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_000_Boots FeetCostume 
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_000_Chest ChestCostume68
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_000_Pants LegsCostume68
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_001A_Boots FeetCostume 
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_001A_Chest ChestCostume68
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_001A_Gloves HandsCostume 
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_001A_Pants LegsCostume68
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_001A_Shoulders ShoulderCostume24
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_001B_Boots FeetCostume 
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_001B_Chest ChestCostume68
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_001B_Gloves HandsCostume 
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_001B_Pants LegsCostume68
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_001B_Shoulders ShoulderCostume24
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_002A_Boots FeetCostume 
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_002A_Chest ChestCostume68
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_002A_Gloves HandsCostume 
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_002A_Pants LegsCostume68
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_002A_Shoulders ShoulderCostume24
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_002B_Boots FeetCostume 
AMR_Arcane_Arcane_002B_Chest ChestCostume68