Feral Evolution

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On ground, near slain exile agent, in southern part of Stalker’s Den. Entrance to this cave is west from location marked at this map. Quest that takes you here is “Find Artemis Zin”, part- Retrieve Cambot Z-1n. Do not forget to pick up the quest “What is Dead May Never Spy”, from a nearby Slain Exile Agent, for extra experience.


Levian Bay

Levian Bay

DATACUBE ENTRY: Feral Evolution


Nazrek: Order of the Progenitors


These bipedal predators are particularly nasty. They are highly territorial, unnaturally aggressive, and display coordinated attack behaviors as they stalk their prey. Although I generally consider nature to be little more than a blind invalid playing games of chance, I must admit that these creatures are an inspired product of evolution. I must remember them for my future work.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Datacube