Slice and Dice is your game? Pick Stalker for all the stabby action your hearth desires. Glass cannon, avoidance tank, sustained damage dealer; these are all the builds you can go after by picking certain skills and AMPs for your character. Bellow is an online tool to help you accomplish just that, out of game and with no in-game currency loss. We call it the Wildstar Stalker Action Set Builder. You prefer Stalker Talent Calculator? As long as you find it useful we’re happy. Expect more features in the coming days because the Action Set Builder is still in beta.
UPDATED to patch 6760 data (Strain update)
We updated the Warrior ASB Builder with patch 6760 data skill data. All numbers in tooltips are based on the assumption that you have 300 Assault Power and 300 Support power. These are base levels used in calculations of numbers in tooltips. Post Launch builds are still active, while beta builds are archived and not linked to on the site anymore.
AMPs (0/55)

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I feel like everyone over looks CKs cooldown reduction, and the fact that it fires twice every 8s, this + the 15% amp reduction makes punish and analyze almost no cooldown, giving you less of a \"priority\" and more of true rotation. Even gives you a lot to do if your Neut is at 7 and you need to wait it out. Swap out the last three for whatever you need ATM.
PVE / stalker Votes: 7 06/24/2014 - 02:47