
Claim Farside for the Exiles


One small step for $i(player.race). One giant leap for the Exiles!

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Farside is a satellite orbiting planet Nexus. Taking control of Farside would immensely help the efforts of the Explorers Union in mapping the planet. Claim Farside in the name of the Exiles!

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Farside

Path: Explorer

Episode: Farside – Explorer

2 thoughts on “STAKING CLAIM: Farside

  1. twylork

    the one with the crystals, you will know when you get there 😉

    Use the tornado – does NOT work mounted btw.

    1. Avbrize

      TWYLORK, I dont know who you are, I dont know what you do, but I will find you and I will hug you mate!

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