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Uncatalogued Agent

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The Caretaker


The Progenitors have asked me to analyze a small organism that has become infected with what they are calling “an unidentified biological agent”. Although I have yet to complete my full analysis, I can say with certainty that it is resembles nothing in the Eldan’s vast archive of collected knowledge, which includes more than a billion surveyed worlds. It is quite fascinating, really. And unbelievably deadly.

Quick Facts

Type: Datacube

Unresolved Incident

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Koral: Order of the Shapers


The Progenitors have explained in detail the dangers of this biological infestation that they now call the Strain. Although they have assured us that the danger to the Project is quite negligible, their tone and their lack of stated solutions seems to indicate otherwise. I understand that this stems from an isolated incident, but I have strong feelings that this issue is far from resolved.

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Type: Datacube

Ineffectual Defense

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Ohmna: Order of the Progenitors


My research concerning this biological anomaly designated “the Strain” has now come to a close, and the results are quite disturbing. Spreading through a virulent agent we have called the Bio-Phage, it has the ability to infect and transform any biological organism that it comes in contact with. I have never witnessed anything like it, nor have I been able to create an effective defense against the disease. There appears to be nothing we can do to stop it.

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Type: Datacube

Primal Disintegrator

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Xarophet: Order of the Makers


The day has finally come. As my mentor Maker Vorion will be otherwise engaged in monitoring the other technological processes required for the termination of the Entity, I have been entrusted with initiating the Primal Disintegrator. Vorion reiterated to me that I should consider this an honor, but I must admit a certain trepidation given the recent… difficulties that we have experienced in controlling the subject.

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Type: Datacube

Unwise Discussion

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Xarophet: Order of the Makers


Although Vorion recommended against it, I recently had a discussion with Genesis Prime, I mean Drusera, about the upcoming procedure and my fears about its chances for failure. She told that she was well aware of the dangers that the Entity represented, and that she would do everything in her power to ensure our success. Despite the circumstances, I couldn’t help but take comfort in her well-meaning words – but they not will make my task any less difficult.

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Type: Datacube

Entity Awakened

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Xarophet: Order of the Makers


Subject has been sedated. Vitals signs are stable. Prepare for termination protocols. Initiating Primal Disintegrator in three, two, one. What? Oh no! Subject has broken loose! Defense perimeter breached! Arrrggghh!!! No, please! Nooooo!!!

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Type: Datacube

Mysterious Agreement

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Jariel: The Archon


Within this facility, we will achieve the single greatest accomplishment in the history of our people – the creation of the Genesis Prime. This task has not been without its challenges. Even with their vast knowledge, the Orders have experienced difficulties in developing the necessary technology – but I have recently come to an agreement with an… interested party. We should obtain the required designs before long.

Quick Facts

Type: Datacube