Tag Archives: quests

WildStar Quests Database

wildstar quests database

We are proud to announce that we have launched our WildStar quests database, in a form of searchable list of all quests found in WildStar. Each quest contains basic information, like quest level, zone, category and objectives. We went one step further and provided screenshots for each quest objective, which main goal is to help you resolve given tasks much easier.

Our idea is to provide screenshots for as many quests as we can, and you can be sure that we will provide full screenshot walkthrough for the toughest ones to complete. Since this is all manual work it might take a few weeks to enter all the information we collected during the beta period. Any suggestions and feedback are welcome, but in the meantime feel free to browse our Quests Database.

October Game Systems Update

If you’re like us then you have been eagerly awaiting the next round of beta testing for WildStar. Well it looks like that might be sooner rather than later.

Today the folks at Carbine Studios pulled back the curtain on a bunch of system updates that they plan on implementing in the next beta session. Specifically they talk about a new level up system, a new ability loadout UI, and a new quest system.

The updates are not complete yet, but if the developers are willing to show them off it points towards a beta testing happening sooner rather than later. Continue reading to see all the info yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments below. Continue reading