Tag Archives: path mission

EXPANSION: Star-Comm Station


Find Salvaged Machine Parts to build Star-Comm Station security improvements


Facilities in Star-Comm Station have been bolstered by these improvements.

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Find salvaged machine parts and deposit them at the depot to build improvements inside Star-Comm Station.

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Faction: Exile, Dominion

Zone: Levian Bay

Path: Settler

Episode: Fog of War


  1. X: -2678 Y: -5912 Z: -1326

EXPANSION: Greyshore


Collect salvaged machine parts and build improvements at Greyshore


Greyshore’s security should increase with these new improvements.

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Find salvaged machine parts and deposit them at Greyshore depot to build improvements.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile, Dominion

Zone: Levian Bay

Path: Settler

Episode: Fog of War


  1. X: -2496 Y: -5076 Z: -997

HOLDOUT: Defend the Village


Defend the Commune against Pell attacks


This will stop the attacks for a while. Good job, Soldier.

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Crazed Pell from the Doomtide Village have been attacking the commune. Hold them off from getting into the commune and wreaking havoc.

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Faction: Dominion

Zone: Whitevale

Path: Soldier

Episode: Conflict in Whitevale


  1. X: 2527 Y: 1375 Z: -1056

EXPANSION: Southern Whitevale


Improve the condition of Southern Whitevale


That’s some mighty fine building there. We need all we can to hold our ground against those stick-in-the mud Dominion.

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The League needs fearless Settlers to help Exile folks in southern Whitevale. Build up Prosperity Junction and the surrounding areas.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Whitevale

Path: Settler

Episode: Whitevale Troubles


  1. X: 3007 Y: 752 Z: -1036
  2. X: 3177 Y: 1267 Z: -1033
  3. X: 4168 Y: 1155 Z: -879
  4. X: 2180 Y: 1290 Z: -1041

TRACKING: Flight of the Fluttersprite


Safely follow the Fluttersprite and document its unique properties


Good job! The readings you provided indicate the fluttersprite was an unstable remnant of the primal air elements around Calmwater Lake.

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We’ve detected a primal energy reading coming from what appears to be a simple fluttersprite. It will be difficult to follow, but track the creature’s energy back to its source.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Whitevale

Path: Explorer

Episode: Whitevale Exploration


  1. X: 2659 Y: 763 Z: -1074



HOLDOUT: Defend the Village


Defend the Commune against Pell attacks


This will stop the attacks for a while. Good job, Soldier.

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Crazed Pell from the Doomtide Village have been attacking the commune. Hold them off from getting into the commune and wreaking havoc.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile, Dominion

Zone: Whitevale

Path: Soldier

Episode: Conflict in Whitevale


  1. X: 2437 Y: 1211 Z: -1070

RESCUE OP: Needles, Pins, and Ikthian Fins


End the Ikthian experiments on Whitevale residents


Right in the nick of time. I’d expect no less from you, Soldier.

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Ikthian abduction reports are pouring in. Those fishy bastards are experimenting on Whitevale residents in their research station. What they’re trying to accomplish, no one knows, but patient survival rate has thus far been slim to none.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Whitevale

Path: Soldier

Episode: Conflict in Whitevale


  1. X: 3929 Y: 749 Z: -910
  2. X: 4385 Y: 1012 Z: -945
  3. X: 4217 Y: 841 Z: -907
  4. X: 4202 Y: 915 Z: -905