Tag Archives: Journal

The Gambler’s Ruin Datacubes, Journals and Tales Locations

List of collectibles

1. Adventure Awaits!Tales from Beyond the FringeExile
2. Arrival Destinations: Exile TerritoryJournalExile
3. Bank ReceiptJournalExile
4. Captain’s LogJournalExile
5. Comm LogsJournalExile
6. Comm LogsJournalExile
7. Cryonics and You!JournalExile
8. DATACUBE ENTRY: Nexus ProjectDatacubeExile
9. Galactic Explorer’s HandbookJournalExile
10. Medbot User’s ManualJournalExile
11. Preventing CryosicknessJournalExile
12. Tram Safety GuidelinesJournalExile
13. Welcome Home, ExilesJournalExile