Tag Archives: Explorer

TRACKING: They Call Him The Lopp


Stay with the Shiny Fevered Lopp and collect any shinies it leaves behind

_poi_TRACKING_They_Call_Him_The_Lopp_image_WildStar64_2014_05_16_13_30_18_545.jpg Click start in the bottom right when you are near Shiny Fevered Lopp to begin this mission. You have to follow him around and collect the items he drops.
_poi_TRACKING_They_Call_Him_The_Lopp_image_WildStar64_2014_05_16_13_30_31_946.jpg You have to follow him around and collect the items he drops.


You just found out that some Lopp have no shame. Or shinies. Or artifacts.

Unlock Text

Travel to the Glitterfur Caravan and see what the Shiny Fevered Lopp wants for any Eldan artifacts they’ve found.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile, Dominion

Zone: Ellevar

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Ellevar


  1. X: -2612 Y: -3774 Z: -793





Climb the tree in the Aurin Simulation Room


You plant a portable storage device and a receiver in the tree, figuring that you can use it as offsite storage for all your greatest explorations on Nexus.

Unlock Text

The very sight of the tree in front of you is enough to send your Explorer senses tingling. It is an itch that you must scratch. Climb that tree!

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile, Dominion

Zone: The Destiny

Path: Explorer

Episode: Eyes on the Holochambers

OPERATIONS: Eyes Ever Watching


Reach and repair the surveillance cameras in three of the holochambers


Well done, explorer. Simulation scientists aboard The Destiny can keep a closer eye on the recruits in the training rooms.

Unlock Text

We someone who fears no heights to trigger the Maintenance Switches in three of the Holochambers, then get up to the security cameras and repair them.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile, Dominion

Zone: The Destiny

Path: Explorer

Episode: Eyes on the Holochambers


  1. X: -814 Y: -1190 Z: -16
  2. X: -815 Y: -1089 Z: -20
  3. X: -1010 Y: -1198 Z: -25

CARTOGRAPHY: Clearing the Lines


Search for a location for a beacon to secure the communications link with Illium

_poi_CARTOGRAPHY_Clearing_the_Lines_image_WildStar64_2014_05_16_15_38_18_335.jpg Plant a device to complete this mission.


Our signal traffic is secure once again, thanks to the new beacon you placed.

Unlock Text

The Exiles have tapped all existing communication links to our capital, Illium. Search the hills around Lightreach Mission and place a new comm beacon to restore secure communications.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile, Dominion

Zone: Ellevar

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Ellevar



OPERATIONS: Ikthian Probe Data


Retrieve probe data from Ikthian Data Panels in the Diluvian Depths


Located inside Diluvian Depths (Leviathan 2+ quest is inside as well). Three panels are located inside the left tunnel going west and north (don’t forget one on the platform above in the last room) and three inside the right tunnel (one inside the eastern room, two near the end of the tunnel).

_poi_OPERATIONS_Ikthian_Probe_Data_image_WildStar64_2014_05_18_16_21_24_178.jpg This panel will transport you near the cave entrance.
_poi_OPERATIONS_Ikthian_Probe_Data_image_WildStar64_2014_05_18_16_23_09_661.jpg Cave entrance location.
_poi_OPERATIONS_Ikthian_Probe_Data_image_WildStar64_2014_05_18_16_26_00_724.jpg Nr.1
__poi_OPERATIONS_Ikthian_Probe_Data_image_WildStar64_2014_05_18_16_28_05_293.jpg Nr.2
_______poi_OPERATIONS_Ikthian_Probe_Data_image_WildStar64_2014_05_18_16_42_22_977.jpg Nr.6
____poi_OPERATIONS_Ikthian_Probe_Data_image_WildStar64_2014_05_18_16_29_13_469.jpg Nr.3
_____poi_OPERATIONS_Ikthian_Probe_Data_image_WildStar64_2014_05_18_16_34_06_833.jpg Nr.4
____poi_OPERATIONS_Ikthian_Probe_Data_image_WildStar64_2014_05_18_16_41_04_097.jpg Nr.5


So, the Ikthians aren’t just probing our people… they’re PROBING our people.

Unlock Text

The Ikthians have collected probe data on our people, information the enemy can’t possess. Take the data back from them at once!

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile, Dominion

Zone: Ellevar

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Ellevar


  1. X: -786 Y: -3477 Z: -641
  2. X: -572 Y: -3512 Z: -640



TRACKING: Little Lost Scientist


Tail the Wayward Scanbot and try to uncover its master’s location

_poi_TRACKING_Little_Lost_Scientist_image_WildStar64_2014_07_12_12_55_46_778.jpg N1 Residual and the start of the explorer mission.
_poi_TRACKING_Little_Lost_Scientist_image_WildStar64_2014_07_12_12_57_52_013.jpg N2 residual.
_poi_TRACKING_Little_Lost_Scientist_image_WildStar64_2014_07_12_12_57_58_565.jpg N3 residual, most likely to miss one.
_poi_TRACKING_Little_Lost_Scientist_image_WildStar64_2014_07_12_12_58_08_696.jpg N4 residual.
_poi_TRACKING_Little_Lost_Scientist_image_WildStar64_2014_07_12_12_59_51_949.jpg N5 residual.


Now that he’s been reunited with his scanbot, maybe he’ll take the time to contact the $?f/Royal Collegium/XAS/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; and let them know he isn’t dead after all.

Unlock Text

The $?f/Royal Collegium/XAS/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; has lost contact with a highly-placed field researcher. His scanbot was spotted moping around the Keeper’s Sanctuary; maybe it will lead you back to its owner.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Northern Grimvault

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Isigrol


  1. X: 3384 Y: -6229 Z: -937



SCAVENGER HUNT: Digging Around the Capital


Search for lost artifacts scattered throughout Thayd

_poi_SCAVENGER_HUNT_Digging_Around_the_Capital_image_WildStar64_2014_05_12_11_14_42_572.jpg Explorer Jogaz gives the clues.
_poi_SCAVENGER_HUNT_Digging_Around_the_Capital_image_WildStar64_2014_05_12_11_20_33_847.jpg Relic 1: Search for the first Relic at this dig location.
_poi_SCAVENGER_HUNT_Digging_Around_the_Capital_image_WildStar64_2014_05_12_11_22_14_925.jpg Relic 2: Search for the second Relic at this dig location.
_poi_SCAVENGER_HUNT_Digging_Around_the_Capital_image_WildStar64_2014_05_12_11_18_57_458.jpg Relic 1: Ancient Thayd Artifact in Alchemist’s Maze.


These artifacts should prove useful in unraveling the mystery about the ancient Osun .

Unlock Text

XAS scientists are looking for Osun artifacts among the ruins that make up Thayd. See what you can find around the city.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Thayd

Path: Explorer



  1. X: 4215 Y: -1711 Z: -714

