Tag Archives: Explorer



Place a Transmission Beacon atop the Emperor’s statue near Malvolio’s house.

_poi_CARTOGRAPHY_Stay_Tuned_image_WildStar64_2014_05_29_17_31_40_659.jpg Statue location.
_poi_CARTOGRAPHY_Stay_Tuned_image_WildStar64_2014_05_29_17_32_37_041.jpg Activate Maintenance Platform Control to spawn jumping platforms. You just step on them and they will launch you up in the air.
_poi_CARTOGRAPHY_Stay_Tuned_image_WildStar64_2014_05_29_17_32_40_453.jpg Jump on the first platform.
_poi_CARTOGRAPHY_Stay_Tuned_image_WildStar64_2014_05_29_17_32_57_672.jpg Jump to 2 > 3 > 4 positions.Don’t jump on the top platforms, they will launch you away from the statue.
_poi_CARTOGRAPHY_Stay_Tuned_image_WildStar64_2014_05_29_17_35_31_494.jpg Jump from position 4 to position 5 to plant a device.


On the plus side, Malvolio now owes you a favor. On the other hand, he’ll forget about it in five minutes.

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Some Chua pranksters cut Malvolio’s cable feed just as the new Artemis Zin episode is about to come on. Reach the top of the statue near Malvolio’s house and place a reception dish so he can still catch the show.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile, Dominion

Zone: Illium

Path: Explorer

Episode: Illium – Spaceport – Explorer – TDG



EXPEDITION: Western Grimvault


Traverse the blighted wastes of Western Grimvault


Western Grimvault contains the most extensive Eldan installations found to date! And they now belong to the $?f/Dominion/Exiles/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.];!

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The $?f/Exploration Society/Explorers Union/Guild; mapping data of Western Grimvault is $?f/absolutely poor/sketchy at best/not good;. The only way to $?f/rectify this matter/fix this situation/get better maps; is on-foot exploration.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Western Grimvault

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Western Grimvault



Use Eldan platform controls to reach the top of a Complex Alpha Tower

_poi_CARTOGRAPHY_Lab_View_image_WildStar64_2014_06_24_14_44_52_507.jpg Memorize and repeat the pattern.
_poi_CARTOGRAPHY_Lab_View_image_WildStar64_2014_06_24_14_45_26_404.jpg Step onto the express platform.
_poi_CARTOGRAPHY_Lab_View_image_WildStar64_2014_06_24_14_45_30_966.jpg Enjoy the ride.
_poi_CARTOGRAPHY_Lab_View_image_WildStar64_2014_06_24_14_46_05_953.jpg CARTOGRAPHY: Lab View Completion Point.


The complex is so huge that even the beacon’s scanning range doesn’t cover its immensity.

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The vastness of the complex is difficult to comprehend from the ground. Our efforts would be greatly aided by an Explorer beacon at the top of a nearby tower.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile, Dominion

Zone: Western Grimvault

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Western Grimvault


Western Grimvault

SCAVENGER HUNT: Chasing Daelia


Locate Daelia within the crashed ship, the Fist of Azrion


Quintia Velius’s gratitude is profound! You found her life-long pet, and she created a grant in your name for the Exploration Society!

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Quintia Velius’s beloved Daelia has gone missing within the crashed Fist of Azrion. Take time from hunting relics and help a distressed Dominion citizen!

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile, Dominion

Zone: Western Grimvault

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Western Grimvault


  1. X: 287 Y: -4020 Z: -890

CARTOGRAPHY: Mother of a Tree Climb


Climb to the vista atop the great mother tree in Southern Coralus


Climbed to the vista atop the great mother tree in Southern Coralus

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Climb to the vista atop the great mother tree in Southern Coralus

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Coralus

Path: Explorer


SCAVENGER HUNT: Timberwood Trowel


Dig up clues hidden near suspicious trees in the woods north of Watch Station Arbor.


Excellent! You’ve found some very interesting items that should be able to point us in the right direction.

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Dig up clues in the Forest. This island holds many secrets having been virtually untouched for centuries by this war. Rumor is there’s secrets buried in the forests.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Coralus

Path: Explorer



  1. X: -838 Y: 2007 Z: -900