Tag Archives: Celestion

CHEMISTRY: Water of Life


Gather samples of Celestion’s unique water


Your data on the water was invaluable in understanding the environment of Celestion.

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The power of Celestion’s tree is evident in the water. Gather samples for further analysis.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Celestion

Path: Scientist

Episode: Celestion – Tract 1 – Scientist Mission


  1. X: 2192 Y: -2694 Z: -930
  2. X: 2074 Y: -2592 Z: -938

BIOLOGY: Ravenous Ruminations


Scan the various Ravenous Mordesh for cataloging purposes


Your study of the wights, lichs, and horrors will provide important data on the Contagion for the Alchemist’s Guild.

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The Ravenous of Grimhold provide an opportunity to safely study the progression of the Contagion. Scan them for scientific records.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Celestion

Path: Scientist

Episode: Celestion – Tract 1 – Scientist Mission


  1. X: 3810 Y: -2453 Z: -844
  2. X: 3374 Y: -2756 Z: -899
  3. X: 3618 Y: -2564 Z: -844

EXPLORATION: Petrich’s Last Stand


Search Doctor Petrich’s Laboratory for his research and whereabouts

_poi_EXPLORATION_Petrich_s_Last_Stand_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_12_17_38_723.jpg Find and enter Grimhold’s Hope through the Locked Door.
_poi_EXPLORATION_Petrich_s_Last_Stand_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_12_20_45_439.jpg Read Petrich’s Research Notes in eastern Grimhold’s Hope for completion.


Doctor Petrich’s research notes become extremely erratic towards the end. Whether or not he was close to a cure for the Contagion is impossible to discern.

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The Mordesh researcher, Doctor Ludvic Petrich, was last seen in a secluded laboratory in the days before Grimhold turned. Locate his lab, then find out what has happened to the good doctor.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Celestion

Path: Explorer

Episode: Celestion – Explorer Mission


  1. X: 3785 Y: -2611 Z: -944



DEMOLITION: The Bombs We Forge


Destroy Swordmaiden Forges along Vitara’s Accent with grenades


That may not stop them, but it’ll sure slow them down. Nice job, Soldier!

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Torine aggression is getting out of hand, but taking out their weapon supply should slow them down a bit. Blow up their forges along Vitara’s Accent.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Celestion

Path: Soldier

Episode: Celestion – Soldier Mission


  1. X: 2496 Y: -2765 Z: -918
  2. X: 2353 Y: -2833 Z: -920
  3. X: 2603 Y: -2840 Z: -921
  4. X: 2212 Y: -3371 Z: -906

HOLDOUT: They’re Dead! They’re All Dead!


Defend against a horde of the Ravenous


Alchemist Julius will survive. Well done, $(player.name).

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The alchemist team we dispatched to recover Vitalus supplies has stopped responding to datachron calls. Apparently, they’re dead.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Celestion

Path: Soldier

Episode: Celestion – Soldier Mission


  1. X: 3591 Y: -2687 Z: -840

OPERATIONS: Lingering Night


Search Grimhold for any heirlooms or records of the inhabitants’ last days

_poi_OPERATIONS_Lingering_Night_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_12_31_53_702.jpg Pic up Stuffed Yeti.
_poi_OPERATIONS_Lingering_Night_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_12_34_40_094.jpg Pick up Photo Album.
_poi_OPERATIONS_Lingering_Night_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_12_39_10_157.jpg Pick up Science Trophy.


The people of Grimhold are no more but their belongings and records will serve as a memorial to their life, and a testament to the true horror of the Contagion.

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The Ravenous eventually overran Grimhold, but there are momentos and records scattered throughout the ruins. Gather them so the Mordesh who lived there may be remembered.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Celestion

Path: Explorer

Episode: Celestion – Explorer Mission


  1. X: 3632 Y: -2589 Z: -836



HOLDOUT: The Constant Gardener


Cull the Psychopathic Plants


That stemdragon must have been the cause of all the trouble. Nice work!

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Crazed veggies are popping up at a local farm. Get to the bottom of it!

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Celestion

Path: Soldier

Episode: Celestion – Soldier Mission


  1. X: 3079 Y: -2698 Z: -922