Tag Archives: Celestion

OPERATIONS: Blades of Power


Discover the source of primal life readings across the Vibrant Ascent in Celestion

_poi_OPERATIONS_Blades_of_Power_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_12_43_06_978.jpg Jump over one of the many water sprouts to reach the higher ground of Godsbreath Terrace.
_poi_OPERATIONS_Blades_of_Power_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_12_43_29_969.jpg Examine Blade of Power (1).
_poi_OPERATIONS_Blades_of_Power_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_12_44_29_293.jpg Examine Blade of Power (2).
_poi_OPERATIONS_Blades_of_Power_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_12_45_06_414.jpg Examine Blade of Power (3).
_poi_OPERATIONS_Blades_of_Power_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_12_45_52_641.jpg Examine Blade of Power (4).


You confirmed Dorian Walker’s suspicions that the swords the Torine sisters use radiate primal life. Although they’re similar to other primal life sources, the energy given off by the swords is incredibly distinct.

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Anomalous primal life readings have been detected in the vicinity of the Godswood Tree, and Dorian Walker has asked you to investigate them.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Celestion

Path: Explorer

Episode: Celestion – Explorer Mission


  1. X: 2432 Y: -3171 Z: -858
  2. X: 2544 Y: -3143 Z: -853



EXPLORATION: Virtual Data Archives


Explore the Eldan’s Virtual Data Archives

_poi_EXPLORATION_Virtual_Data_Archives_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_11_53_17_695.jpg Find and enter Nanite Repository.
_poi_EXPLORATION_Virtual_Data_Archives_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_11_53_45_065.jpg Find and Access Door Controller in western Nanite Repository.
_poi_EXPLORATION_Virtual_Data_Archives_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_11_53_57_826.jpg Inside new room – Virtual Data Archives memorize and repeat the pattern shown at Eldan Data Archive for completion.


The Eldan may have taken most of their secrets to the grave, but we were able to glean some data from the terminal they kept in the back of the Archive.

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The Eldan almost always had data terminals in their exo-labs, and N-22 should be no different. Search the nanite repository for a data archive and access its memory.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Celestion

Path: Explorer

Episode: Celestion – Explorer Mission


  1. X: 2566 Y: -1337 Z: -1511



BIOLOGY: That Special Glow


Scan corpses of various creatures that dwell about the Godwood Tree


The properties of the Godwood Tree are singular in our research. Well done.

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It seems that we may be able to secrete some of the power out of the creatures that dwell around the Godwood Tree. Hunt them and scan their corpses.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Celestion

Path: Scientist

Episode: Celestion – Tract 1 – Scientist Mission


  1. X: 2475 Y: -3152 Z: -882

DIAGNOSTICS: Mordesh Machinery


Scan and repair Mordesh machinery to defend against the Ravenous


Your scanbot successfully repaired the turrets, med-stations, and sonic projectors. This will help keep the Ravenous at bay!

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These turrets, med-stations, and sonic projectors could be of help against the Ravenous. Perhaps your scanbot can improvise repairs.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Celestion

Path: Scientist

Episode: Celestion – Tract 1 – Scientist Mission


  1. X: 3546 Y: -2652 Z: -844

EXPERIMENTATION: Search for a Cure


Experiment with and discover a use for water from Celestion’s lakes


You concocted a minor healing potion as a result of your work. Not a cure for the Contagion, but still useful on the dangers of Nexus.

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Celestion’s lakes seem to have unique properties. We need you to conduct further experiments to determine a practical application.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Celestion

Path: Scientist

Episode: Celestion – Tract 1 – Scientist Mission


  1. X: 3231 Y: -2172 Z: -895

SCAVENGER HUNT: Relics in the Rubble


Search for valuable relics in Tanglewood Grove

_poi_SCAVENGER_HUNT_Relics_in_the_Rubble_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_11_44_01_357.jpg Far-Trader Miki gives three clues information.
__poi_SCAVENGER_HUNT_Relics_in_the_Rubble_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_11_49_47_096.jpg Clue 2: Kill Bushtail Screechers at this location for the second relic.
_poi_SCAVENGER_HUNT_Relics_in_the_Rubble_image_WildStar64_2014_05_17_11_48_52_392.jpg Clue 1: Search for the first Relic at this dig location.


The shinies you found are dirty, but good stock. Far-Trader Miki will be one very happy Lopp.

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Far-Trader Miki has no shinies left to sell, which hurts Exile trade expansion in Celestion. Help her, and by extension the Exiles, by recovering whatever she says she needs to resume trading.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Celestion

Path: Explorer

Episode: Celestion – Explorer Mission


  1. X: 2108 Y: -1963 Z: -895



RESCUE OP: Black Hood Operatives


Rescue captured Black Hood operatives from ICI interrogators


The operatives have been extracted and the intel has been secured. Many lives are in your debt.

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The ICI have captured some of our operatives in the field. You understand, we can’t risk an information leak. You must save our agents – or we’ll be forced to eliminate them.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Celestion

Path: Soldier

Episode: Celestion – Soldier Mission


  1. X: 3196 Y: -2177 Z: -899
  2. X: 3246 Y: -1949 Z: -972