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Containing the Destruction


Mondo Zax equipment is set up and ready to synthesize his potential Strain-derived super weapon. He’s asked you to control the catalyzer in the Catalyst Room while Furlo Gre controls the synthesizer.


1. Enter the Catalyst Room in Exo-Lab Y-23

2. Activate the Progress Panel to contact Furlo Gre from the Catalyst Room

3. Have Furlo Gre step on the Synthesizer in the Synthesis Room

4. Read the Progress Panel in the Catalyst Room

5. Read the Progress Panel and enter the proper amount of reagent into the Catalyzer Catalyst Room

Containing the Destruction 9498 Solution N1 is: 5.
Containing the Destruction 9499 Solution N2 is: 7.
Containing the Destruction 9500 Solution N3 is: 3 and…
Containing the Destruction 9501 … 6.

6. Retrieve the Synthesized Weapon in the Synthesis Room


Report to Mondo Zax via your Datachron


  • 75000XP
  • 75 Guardians of the Grove Reputation Points

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Level: 50

Required Level: 50


Zone: Blighthaven

Category: Zone – Grimvault