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Braving the Elements [GROUP 5+]


In order to defend yourself against Elyona the Mad attacks, Drusera has instructed you to collect primal essences from each of the Primal Element Chambers in the very heart of the Nursery.


1. Collect Essence of Primal Fire in the Chamber of Primal Fire

Braving the Elements [GROUP 5+] 7674 Essences are found in Chambers.

2. Collect Essence of Primal Air in the Chamber of Primal Air

3. Collect Essence of Primal Logic in the Chamber of Primal Logic

4. Collect Essence of Primal Life in the Chamber of Primal Life

5. Collect Essence of Primal Earth in the Chamber of Primal Earth

6. Collect Essence of Primal Water in the Chamber of Primal Water


Report to Drusera via your Datachron


Quick Facts

Faction: Exile, Dominion

Level: 50

Required Level: 50


Zone: Blighthaven

Category: Zone – Grimvault