TRACKING: Honeyhive Pollinator


Follow the Honeyhive Pollinator and locate honeycombs

_poi_TRACKING_Honeyhive_Pollinator_image_Desktop_2014_03_22_12_59_15_313.jpg Follow Honeyhive Pollinator and collect residuals it drops.


Excellent work. We’ll ask the Royal Collegium to send a Scientist to study the honeycombs at those locations.

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We’ve spotted a honeyhive pollinator visiting honeycombs around the Honeyworks. Track the path it takes for further study.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile, Dominion

Zone: Auroria

Path: Explorer

Episode: Auroria Exploration


  1. X: -1470 Y: -2194 Z: -921



3 thoughts on “TRACKING: Honeyhive Pollinator

  1. Shansa

    I followed this thing as far as 8/10 then it suddenly stopped and the disabling timer started and nothing I did would make it keep going. Pretty sure it’s bugged.

  2. Edenlight

    8/10 is not the path progress, the mob drop little pollen balls along its path, you need to pick them up, that’s what the count is for


    Those fucking things you are supposed to pick up turn completely invisible after the first one, just have to hope you will actually hit it somewhere along the way to be able to continue following the stupid thing. Couldn’t get it after like 45 minutes and it made me want to smash a small child or a puppy into a wall.

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