SWAT: Quicksand Converter


Test the Quicksand Converter in Tanglemore Den by creating piles of quicksand to snare Tanglemore chompacabra.


Reckon they solved the changer core’s overheating issues. Since you didn’t run into any hiccups, we’ll get started on a full production line. But I’ll need that test model back now.

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Got a Converter hot from R&D. Test-trap those little ankle-biters as you proceed through the den. And be sure to report any pesky malfunctions.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: New Zone

Path: Soldier

Episode: Possibly Deprecated Missions Soldier Episode


  1. X: 2106 Y: -1385 Z: -869
  2. X: 2139 Y: -1300 Z: -868
  3. X: 2162 Y: -1189 Z: -869
  4. X: 2149 Y: -1035 Z: -885