DEMOLITION: The Bombs We Forge


Destroy Swordmaiden Forges along Vitara’s Accent with grenades


That may not stop them, but it’ll sure slow them down. Nice job, Soldier!

Unlock Text

Torine aggression is getting out of hand, but taking out their weapon supply should slow them down a bit. Blow up their forges along Vitara’s Accent.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Celestion

Path: Soldier

Episode: Celestion – Soldier Mission


  1. X: 2496 Y: -2765 Z: -918
  2. X: 2353 Y: -2833 Z: -920
  3. X: 2603 Y: -2840 Z: -921
  4. X: 2212 Y: -3371 Z: -906