Love Letter to the Queen

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This Journal can be found on a table, between two Aurins, Elderoot Refuge. You can find NPC called Queen Myata Everstar nearby. She is part of the quest “The Arboretum”, step – Check in with Queen Myala Everstar. There is an Ability Training Kiosk nearby as well.


Everstar Grove

Everstar Grove

Love Letter to the Queen


I love you so very much, my queen.

I am no consort. I am no warrior. I am no hunter.

I am not even Aurin.

To you, I am no one.

I will love you from afar, drinking in your visage with eyes thirsty for your beauty.

When death takes me into its charnel embrace, I will continue to love you.

From beyond the grave, my adoration will swirl about you like ashes on the wind.

Do not fear me, my queen.

For I love you.


Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Type: Journal