Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 610 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Layered Exanite Heavy Gun38Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun780
Superior Protostar Musket38Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun747
Stellar Manamesh Howitzer37Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun718
Defender's Bombarding Howitzer36Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun716
Defender's Howitzer36Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun662
Defender's Warding Howitzer36Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun716
Preserver's Bombarding Howitzer36Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun716
Preserver's Howitzer36Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun662
Preserver's Warding Howitzer36Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun716
Prototype Deathbringer's Heavy Gun36Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun689
Arct Arms Nebulous Autocannon35Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun662
Conditioned Biowebbed Autocannon35Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun610
Conditioned Nebulous Autocannon35Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun662
Epsilon Nebulous Autocannon35Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun662
Supreme Hypertronic Photon Cannon35Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun610
Decorated Nebulous Gauss Rifle34Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun633
Decorated Prototype Gauss Rifle34Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun584
Drum-Fed Charged Slugthrower34Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun584
Platinum Aeroform Heavy Gun34Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun635
Balanced Necrocite Howitzer33Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun613
Twin Tube Howitzer33Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun565
Firefighter32Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun613
Hydro-Cooled Cyclic Heavy Gun32Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun593
Rigged Twin Tube Mini Cannon32Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun547
ArctArms Nanoburst Photon Gun31Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun529
Charged Titanium Minigun31Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun573
Electroweave Roomsweeper31Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun529
Layered Photon Blaster30Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun553
Motorized Mini Cannon30Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun510
Unwieldy Necrocite Mortar30Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun510
Manamesh Gauss Rifle29Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun533
Tempered Electropolymer Sweeper29Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun492
Modified Platinum Coated Gun28Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun473
Repeating Light Phase Cannon28Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun513
Fine Platinum Heavy Gun27Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun533
Tarnished Platinum Alloy Gun27Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun455
Wigwalli Oath Cannon27Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun343
Personal Rotary Proton Cannon26Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun436
Protostar Moddable Repeater26Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun436
Protostar Moddable Repeater26Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun436
PV39 Victory Model Heavy Gun26Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun436
Arct Arms Pellet Heavy Shooter25Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun418
Demolisher's Bombarding Howitzer25Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun491
Demolisher's Howitzer25Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun453
Demolisher's Warding Howitzer25Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun491
Enhanced Supertronic Cannon25Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun418
Epsilon Pellet Heavy Shooter25Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun418
Mechanist's Bombarding Howitzer25Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun491
Mechanist's Howitzer25Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun453
Mechanist's Warding Howitzer25Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun491