Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 759 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
The Corruption Collection  Dyes 
The Doon Collection  Dyes 
The Elderoot Collection  Dyes 
The Fringerunner Collection  Dyes 
The Grismaran Collection  Dyes 
The Highborn Collection  Dyes 
The Ikthia Collection  Dyes 
The Kel Voreth Collection  Dyes 
The Lowborn Collection  Dyes 
The Peacekeeper Collection  Dyes 
The Renegade Belle Collection  Dyes 
The Skald Collection  Dyes 
The Skullcano Collection  Dyes 
The Spindrive Collection  Dyes 
The Stonebreaker Collection  Dyes 
The Stormtalon Collection  Dyes 
The Terraformer Collection  Dyes 
Torine Blue Dye  Dyes 
Torine Blue Dye  Dyes 
Ultramarine Dye  Dyes 
Ultramarine Dye  Dyes 
Umbra Dye  Dyes 
Umbra Dye  Dyes 
Undergrowth Dye  Dyes 
Undergrowth Dye  Dyes 
Vial of Blood  Dyes 
Xenocite Dye  Dyes 
Xenocite Dye  Dyes 
[DEP]Health Stone AMP  Dyes155
[DEP]Spell Power Stone AMP  Dyes155
Triage Medkit31 Dyes401
Cold Weather Rations26 Dyes 
Uncle Phineas's Motato Soup26 Dyes 
Elegant Bird Pie25 Dyes 
Elegant Fillet Stew25 Dyes 
Elegant Fillet-On-A-Stick25 Dyes 
Elegant Fin-On-A-Stick25 Dyes 
Elegant Fish Pie25 Dyes 
Elegant Fish Stew25 Dyes 
Elegant Flesh Stew25 Dyes 
Elegant Flesh-On-A-Stick25 Dyes 
Elegant Fleshy Pie25 Dyes 
Elegant Imbued Fillet25 Dyes 
Elegant Imbued Fin25 Dyes 
Elegant Imbued Flesh25 Dyes 
Elegant Imbued Ribs25 Dyes 
Elegant Imbued Shanks25 Dyes 
Elegant Imbued Stems25 Dyes 
Elegant Meat Pie25 Dyes 
Elegant Poached Fillet25 Dyes