Wildstar Item Database

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Found 4476 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Indeterminate AEGIS Substance8AugmentGear82
Modulated AEGIS Sense Heightener8 Gear104
Oscillating AEGIS Wave Field8ShieldsGear104
Phasing AEGIS Upgrade8 Gear104
Pilot Light8AugmentGear123
Protoplate AEGIS Weapon Stock8 Gear104
Vibrating AEGIS Aura8ShieldsGear104
Wrought Iron Weapon Grip8 Gear104
Zeven Scope8 Gear123
Anomalous Particle Essence7AugmentGear68
Delicately Carved Wooden Hilt7 Gear104
Haven of the Wood7ShieldsGear104
Heart of the Wood7AugmentGear82
Probit Torrent7 Gear104
Projected Particle Field7ShieldsGear68
Terrorizer7 Gear104
The Brain7AugmentGear82
Anomalous Plasma Essence6AugmentGear53
Great Barrier Wreath6ShieldsGear86
Laser Pulsed Energy Web6ShieldsGear53
Accelerated Particle Field5ShieldsGear39
Anomalous Proton Essence5AugmentGear39
Defracting Combat Shield4ShieldsGear24
Distributed Energy Shield3ShieldsGear24
Heirloom Combat Shield1ShieldsGear 
Heirloom Implant1AugmentGear 
Heirloom Support System1 Gear 
Heirloom Weapon Attachment1 Gear 
A Heart of Fire  Gear881
Acolyte's Flamebound Charm  Gear593
Acolyte's Flamebound Charm  Gear593
Ambusher's Pistol Grip  Gear1170
Ambusher's Pistol Grip  Gear1170
Ambusher's Shotgun Stock  Gear1170
Ambusher's Shotgun Stock  Gear1170
Annihilator Implant AugmentGear53
Anti-Venin Field Generator ShieldsGear123
Anti-Venom Synthesizer AugmentGear953
Arc Fatalis AugmentGear547
Archaeologist's Preservator  Gear178
Arkos Target Assist Module  Gear160
Arwick's Vengeance AugmentGear53
Assailant's Sight Module  Gear104
Audax's Audacity AugmentGear270
Augmentation Analyzer  Gear160
Augmentor Particle Field ShieldsGear24
Aura of the Veggimaster ShieldsGear68
Avatar's Transmitter AugmentGear197