Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 3679 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
ECU Basic Manaweave Guards37ShoulderLight Armor952
ECU Basic Manaweave Jacket37ChestLight Armor1075
ECU Basic Manaweave Trousers37LegsLight Armor1075
Fibertronic Manaweave Boots37FeetLight Armor747
Fibertronic Manaweave Grips37HandsLight Armor747
Fibertronic Manaweave Jacket36ChestLight Armor916
Fiberflex Manaweave Boots35FeetLight Armor689
Fiberflex Manaweave Mantle35ShoulderLight Armor717
Fiberflex Manaweave Trousers35LegsLight Armor879
Protostar Choice Dress Shoes35FeetLight Armor459
Protostar Choice Gloves35HandsLight Armor459
Protostar Choice Longcoat35ChestLight Armor587
Protostar Choice Pants35LegsLight Armor587
Protostar Choice Ribbons35ShoulderLight Armor520
Protostar Choice Sun Hat35HeadLight Armor520
Fibermod Whim Jacket34ChestLight Armor844
ECU Expeditionary Whimfiber Guards33ShoulderLight Armor809
ECU Expeditionary Whimfiber Patrol Cap33HeadLight Armor809
Improved Fibermod Whim Mantle33ShoulderLight Armor661
Legion-Issue Whimfiber Guards33ShoulderLight Armor809
Legion-Issue Whimfiber Patrol Cap33HeadLight Armor809
TheUrge Smartfunction Whim Boots33FeetLight Armor633
TheUrge Smartfunction Whim Trousers33LegsLight Armor811
Coralus Boots32FeetLight Armor445
Coralus Gloves32HandsLight Armor445
ECU Expeditionary Whimfiber Shoes32FeetLight Armor686
ECU Expeditionary Whimfiber Trousers32LegsLight Armor877
Improved Fibertronic Whim Grips32HandsLight Armor613
Legion-Issue Whimfiber Shoes32FeetLight Armor686
Legion-Issue Whimfiber Trousers32LegsLight Armor877
Siegebreaker Trousers32LegsLight Armor846
Siegebreaker Tunic32ChestLight Armor846
Tanglevine Shin Kickers32FeetLight Armor633
Tanglevine Spike Wraps32HandsLight Armor633
Coralus Chest31ChestLight Armor542
Coralus Head31HeadLight Armor480
Coralus Legs31LegsLight Armor542
Coralus Shoulders31ShoulderLight Armor480
ECU Expeditionary Whimfiber Gloves31HandsLight Armor664
ECU Expeditionary Whimfiber Jacket31ChestLight Armor843
Fibermod Whim Hood31HeadLight Armor610
Improved Fibertronic Whim Trousers31LegsLight Armor747
Legion-Issue Whimfiber Gloves31HandsLight Armor664
Legion-Issue Whimfiber Jacket31ChestLight Armor843
Siegebreaker Boots31FeetLight Armor613
Siegebreaker Gloves31HandsLight Armor613
Tanglevine Brawlin' Harness31ShoulderLight Armor635
Tanglevine Brawlin' Loincloth31LegsLight Armor778
Tanglevine Brawlin' Tee31ChestLight Armor717
Tanglevine Noggin' Cap31HeadLight Armor635