Wildstar Item Database

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Found 4476 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Shard of the Stalagmight ShieldsGear215
Shatterforce AugmentGear1168
Shelter of Tremor Ridge ShieldsGear215
Shield of Carven Stone ShieldsGear252
Shiny Reward AugmentGear126
Signal Officer's Bioshield ShieldsGear633
Solitary Confinement AugmentGear436
SRAC's Assist Module  Gear233
The Arkenstone  Gear252
The Blood Drinker AugmentGear778
The Bloodstone  Gear1377
The Bloodstone  Gear1377
The Doom Thorn  Gear433
The Palehusk  Gear1377
The Palehusk  Gear1377
The Road Warrior AugmentGear1168
The Strongblock AugmentGear436
Thermal Neural Chip AugmentGear1034
Thermal Polyweave Reinforcer  Gear846
Thrembling Amplifier  Gear536
Throbbing Xenocite Enhancer  Gear661
Tremor Disperser ShieldsGear215
Trivergent Regulator AugmentGear473
Truthseeker's Biological Analyzer  Gear1493
Truthseeker's Biological Analyzer  Gear1493
Truthseeker's Chemical Analyzer  Gear1493
Truthseeker's Scanner  Gear1170
Tympanal Probe  Gear749
Vogor's Strength AugmentGear381
Vox's Aggression AugmentGear436
XAS Feedback Neural Chip AugmentGear215
Xenomanal Probe  Gear749
Yellow Sanity Requiem AugmentGear610
Accelerated Hypertronic Energy Web50ShieldsGear1167
Accelerated Protostar Energy Web50ShieldsGear1267
Ashes of the Wasteland50 Gear1269
Aura of Thirst50ShieldsGear1216
Bitterness of the Northern Wastes50 Gear1269
Buoyancy Field50ShieldsGear1216
Cankerous Antifusion Shelter50ShieldsGear1216
Cankerous Modulated Battery50 Gear1269
Cankerous Resonant Focus50AugmentGear1216
Cankerous Reverberant Suppressor50 Gear1269
Chill of the North50 Gear1269
Coldsnap50 Gear1269
Composite Factorization50 Gear1269
Crystal of Bitter Winds50AugmentGear1216
Crystal of Dry Winds50AugmentGear1216
Crystal of the Stinging Sands50 Gear1269
Deft Eldtrich Controller50AugmentGear1319