Wildstar Item Database

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Found 3804 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Wrathwraps10LegsMedium Armor307
Arena-Master Legs9LegsMedium Armor270
Boots of the Bloodfire9FeetMedium Armor160
Clamps of the Maw9HandsMedium Armor160
Grand Hunter's Flexisuit9ChestMedium Armor270
Arena-Master Legs8LegsMedium Armor252
Bloodshaman Leathers8LegsMedium Armor252
Bloodsplattered Leathers8LegsMedium Armor252
Boots of the Bloodfire8FeetMedium Armor141
Clamps of the Maw8HandsMedium Armor141
Grand Hunter's Flexisuit8ChestMedium Armor252
Incubation Slacks8LegsMedium Armor252
Predatory Leathers8LegsMedium Armor252
Sharpshell Slacks8LegsMedium Armor252
Shellshock Slacks8LegsMedium Armor252
Arachnic Metasuit ChestMedium Armor1269
Armored SPAZ Suit ChestMedium Armor393
Augmented Metallic Headcover HeadMedium Armor778
Azrion First Mate's Vest ChestMedium Armor1619
Blasted Helm HeadMedium Armor510
Blasted Helm HeadMedium Armor510
Bounty Hunter's Foot Guards FeetMedium Armor811
Broon Bane Trenchcoat ChestMedium Armor1619
Bug-a-Boots FeetMedium Armor252
Builder's Protopolymer Pantaloons LegsMedium Armor363
Builder's Ultramesh Grips HandsMedium Armor252
Burden of the Azrion ShoulderMedium Armor1434
Burden of the Widowmaker ShoulderMedium Armor1434
Camouflaged Overpants LegsMedium Armor233
Chompacabra Rancher's Dust Coat ChestMedium Armor553
Chompy Tassets LegsMedium Armor252
Chompy Tassets LegsMedium Armor252
Clamps of the Destroyer HandsMedium Armor1493
Clutches of the Stemdragon HandsMedium Armor252
Coat of the Stemdragon ChestMedium Armor363
Colonel's Gaze HeadMedium Armor1077
Colonel's Guise HeadMedium Armor1077
Commando's Fatigues ChestMedium Armor995
Compressed Shoulder Clutches ShoulderMedium Armor778
Deathclaw Tunic ChestMedium Armor553
Deathroller Punters FeetMedium Armor326
Defensive Polarity Clamps HandsMedium Armor747
Dragoncult Leggings LegsMedium Armor553
Dragonscale Shoulder Boards ShoulderMedium Armor242
Dragonslayer Flexisuit ChestMedium Armor553
Dribble Hide Tunic ChestMedium Armor553
Eliminator Divine Pauldrons ShoulderMedium Armor381
Factfinder's Chestwrap ChestMedium Armor995
Farside Savior's Greaves LegsMedium Armor918
Farside Savior's Greaves LegsMedium Armor918