Wildstar Item Database

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Found 3679 Items

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Professor Earp's Half-Chewed Sandals FeetLight Armor307
Purified Longshoreman's Pants LegsLight Armor553
Ranger's Camosuit ChestLight Armor995
Robe of the Dragoncult ChestLight Armor553
Scavenger-Slayer Chest Piece ChestLight Armor553
Sentry's Protomesh Kilt LegsLight Armor363
Sentry's Ultrafiber Polygloves HandsLight Armor252
Space Chitin Pants LegsLight Armor393
Spacewalker's Britches LegsLight Armor918
Spacewalker's Britches LegsLight Armor918
Stemdragon Pantaloons LegsLight Armor233
Strain-Touched Sandals FeetLight Armor1219
Striders of the Blighted Pass FeetLight Armor1219
Stylish Leather Ammo Vest ChestLight Armor197
Stylish Warded Jacket ChestLight Armor197
Tech-Infused Moonstriders FeetLight Armor747
Technician's Protomesh Kilt LegsLight Armor363
Technician's Ultrafiber Polygloves HandsLight Armor252
The Deathrollers FeetLight Armor326
The Dribble Gown ChestLight Armor553
Unbound Hydroguard Bindings HandsLight Armor141
Vinewrap Legs LegsLight Armor233
Wanderer's Protomesh Kilt LegsLight Armor363
Wanderer's Ultrafiber Polygloves HandsLight Armor252
Warbot Manipulators HandsLight Armor547
Weight of Gold ShoulderLight Armor242
Witchweave Shoulder Pads ShoulderLight Armor242
Woodman's Supple Gloves HandsLight Armor197
Woolies of the Devourer LegsLight Armor252
Woolies of the Devourer LegsLight Armor252
Worldeater Crushers HandsLight Armor1493
X-82 Crew Gloves HandsLight Armor399
'Singularis' LA-6C Eldanweave Mendmantle50ChestLight Armor1270
'Singularis' LA-6G Eldanweave Powermitts50HandsLight Armor995
Armlets of Primal Intensity50HandsLight Armor1269
Armlets of Sanctuary50HandsLight Armor1269
Athletic Quantum Leapers50FeetLight Armor1377
Augmented Canimid Hide Dust Coat50ChestLight Armor1619
Bandore of the Crimson Badlands50HeadLight Armor1434
Binds of the Northern Wastes50HandsLight Armor1269
Bioengineered Manafabric Bindings50HandsLight Armor1216
Bioengineered Protostar Bindings50HandsLight Armor1269
Blight-touched Technopants50LegsLight Armor1619
Bloodmist Bindings50HandsLight Armor1377
Bloodmist Feelers50HandsLight Armor1377
Bloodmist Grasps50HandsLight Armor1377
Bloodmist Manipulators50HandsLight Armor1377
Breeches of the Crimson Badlands50LegsLight Armor1619
Catabolic Fusion Gown50ChestLight Armor1756
Catabolic Fusion Regalia50ChestLight Armor1756