Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 1564 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Classic Baked Flesh15 Junk169
Classic Baked Flesh15 Junk169
Elemental Capacitor15 Junk169
[Prototype] A Few Rare Coins12 Junk126
Drenched Boot8 Junk68
Challenge Editor Tutorial - Item Collect5 Junk24
Melted Magnetite Wiring5 Junk24
Broken Stabilization Crystal4 Junk10
Pristine Yeti Claw4 Junk10
Soggy Boot4 Junk10
Burnt Out Anti-Grav Drive3 Junk 
Chipped Yeti Claw3 Junk 
A Boulderback Boulder2 Junk 
Boulderback Hide2 Junk 
Broken Boulderback Femur2 Junk 
Broken Fang2 Junk 
Broken Girrok Tooth2 Junk 
Broken Horn2 Junk 
Broken Vulcarrion Beak2 Junk 
Busted Bolts2 Junk 
Fused Wires2 Junk 
Girrok Claw2 Junk 
Open Tagging Multi Drop Item2 Junk 
Panthera Fang2 Junk 
Panthera Paw2 Junk 
Plucked Vulcarrion Feather2 Junk 
Pumera Fang2 Junk 
Pumera Paw2 Junk 
Ragged Girrok Hide2 Junk 
Ragged Vind Hide2 Junk 
Severed Dagun Claw2 Junk 
Severed Hoof2 Junk 
Skeech Eyeball2 Junk 
Skeech Loincloth2 Junk 
Skug Skull2 Junk 
Skug Slime2 Junk 
Skug Tail2 Junk 
Smashed Gears2 Junk 
Tattered Panthera Hide2 Junk 
Tattered Pumera Hide2 Junk 
Tuft of Dagun Fur2 Junk 
Tuft of Roan Fur2 Junk 
Vind Claw2 Junk 
Vulcarrion Talon2 Junk 
Abandoned Mining Equipment1 Junk 
Ancient Statue1 Junk 
Archaeology Tablet Fragment1 Junk 
Archaeology Tablet Fragment1 Junk 
Archaeology Tablet Fragment1 Junk 
Archaeology Tablet Fragment1 Junk