Wildstar Item Database

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Found 2352 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Patchwork Xenocite Greaves37FeetMedium Armor661
Adorned Ultraweave Footfalls36FeetLight Armor635
Advanced Electroweave Leg Plates36FeetMedium Armor635
Comfortable Biochain Footsteps36FeetHeavy Armor689
Enhanced Electroplated Trompers36FeetHeavy Armor635
Enhanced Electroweave Foot Guards36FeetMedium Armor689
Uniform Galactium Moccasins36FeetLight Armor689
Armored Polymer Boots35FeetMedium Armor610
BrackWorks Electrolined Footguards35FeetHeavy Armor662
Branded Electrolined Sabatons35FeetHeavy Armor610
Choice Electrolined Foot Guards35FeetHeavy Armor662
Introde Cloth Shoes35FeetLight Armor610
Polymer Threaded Boots35FeetMedium Armor662
RegIS Fibertronic Slinkers35FeetLight Armor662
Spun Loftite Woven Boots35FeetMedium Armor610
Universal Armored Suit Boots35FeetHeavy Armor610
VegaD Threaded Boots35FeetMedium Armor662
Advanced Fibertronic Magniboots34FeetHeavy Armor584
Decorated Polymer Boots34FeetMedium Armor633
Enhanced Fibertronic Galoshes34FeetHeavy Armor633
Extravagant Ultrapolymer Striders34FeetHeavy Armor584
Grandiloquent Electrowebbed Stompers34FeetMedium Armor584
Handsewn Skirmisher's Shoes34FeetLight Armor584
Infused Warpweave Foot Pads34FeetLight Armor633
Reinforced Warpweave Foot Wraps34FeetLight Armor584
Rigel Jabbit-Proof Mukluks34FeetLight Armor633
Wrought Plastimesh Overboots34FeetMedium Armor584
Electrofiber-Infused Combat Boots33FeetMedium Armor613
Platinum Toe Combat Boots33FeetHeavy Armor613
Protostar Classy Moon Boots33FeetLight Armor613
Protostar Classy Moon Boots33FeetLight Armor565
Protostar Crater Climbers33FeetMedium Armor613
Protostar Crater Climbers33FeetMedium Armor565
Protostar Prototronic Protoboots33FeetHeavy Armor565
Reinforced Leather Toe Combat Boots33FeetMedium Armor565
Synthetic Pumera Hide Treads33FeetLight Armor613
Vanadium-Infused Combat Boots33FeetHeavy Armor565
VegaD Meshform Shoes33FeetLight Armor565
Basic Manawebbed Moccasins32FeetLight Armor593
Clairvoyant's Afflicting Foot Wraps32FeetLight Armor619
Clairvoyant's Foot Wraps32FeetLight Armor593
Clairvoyant's Meditative Foot Wraps32FeetLight Armor619
Defender's Bombarding Feet32FeetHeavy Armor619
Defender's Feet32FeetHeavy Armor593
Defender's Warding Feet32FeetHeavy Armor619
Duelist's Foot Wraps32FeetLight Armor593
Duelist's Fusillade Foot Wraps32FeetLight Armor619
Duelist's Invigorating Foot Wraps32FeetLight Armor619
Etched Electrofiber Treads32FeetMedium Armor547
Etched Vanadium Treads32FeetHeavy Armor547