Wildstar Item Database

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Found 2852 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Liquidator's Phasing Essence50AugmentGear1904
Liquidator's Phasing Flexipants50LegsMedium Armor2519
Liquidator's Phasing Gaze50HeadMedium Armor2230
Liquidator's Phasing Mesh Guard50ChestMedium Armor2519
Liquidator's Phasing Shoulder Sash50ShoulderMedium Armor2230
Liquidator's Phasing Smartgrips50HandsMedium Armor1975
Liquidator's Phasing Treads50FeetMedium Armor1975
Liquidator's Phasing Ward50ShieldsGear1904
Living Suit of the Grove50ChestHeavy Armor2429
Long-Range Tactical Analyzer50 Gear1904
Lord Hoarfrost's Frozen Field Generator50ShieldsGear1430
Lord Hoarfrost's Glacial Deflector50ShieldsGear1430
Lurebound Pantaloons50LegsLight Armor2429
Lurr's Ray Guns50Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols1904
Malformed Halfmask50HeadHeavy Armor2332
Malformed Hyperview Head Guard50HeadMedium Armor2332
Malformed Hyperview Neuroblade50Primary WeaponWeapon - Psyblade2065
Malformed Magnicite Workpants50LegsMedium Armor2634
Malformed Magniplate Stompers50FeetHeavy Armor2065
Malgrave Battle Visor50HeadHeavy Armor2151
Malgravian Heatblast Intensifier50AugmentGear1430
Malignant Headband50HeadMedium Armor2332
Manipulators of Corruption50HandsLight Armor1904
Manipulators of Guardian C-432's End50HandsMedium Armor2065
Mantle of the Waterseeker50ShoulderMedium Armor1686
Mask of Calmed Anger50HeadMedium Armor2151
Mask of Ohmna's Downfall50HeadLight Armor2857
Master Forged Recombinator50AugmentGear1825
Matronwise Greaves50LegsMedium Armor2429
Matronwise Leggings50LegsLight Armor2429
Mazzaki's Lightning Swift Hooks50Primary WeaponWeapon - Claws1493
Mechanized Overcoat50ChestLight Armor2857
Medal of Honor50GadgetGear846
Meditation Spot FABkit50 Housing780
Megalith's Resolve50GadgetGear1620
Meloncholy50 Gear1493
Meningeal Vest50ChestLight Armor2634
Meow-Meow50Primary WeaponWeapon - Paddles1904
Metal Mandible Mask50HeadMedium Armor2857
Metalworker's Ladle50 Gear1904
Meteoric Sliver50Primary WeaponWeapon - Greatsword1904
Meteoric Sliver50Primary WeaponWeapon - Greatsword1904
Mind-Body Kneeboots50FeetMedium Armor2240
Mindcap of Conversion50HeadMedium Armor2151
Mindflex Expeditor50AugmentGear1825
Mindmender's Mask50HeadLight Armor2151
Mindmender's Ward50ShieldsGear1979
Mindtrace Expeditor50AugmentGear1825
Miscreant Gene Resequencer50 Gear2065
Misguided Mutation Deflector50 Gear2065